When eyes meet💑

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After that kicking episode, I decided to maintain my distance from him. He was popular in class. Everyone's favourite. He would help students with their studies, providing them with guidance whenever needed. He would motivate everyone around him. And I was already in his bad books. That was okay. I didn't mind what he thought about me. I just didn't want others to think of me as rude person.

But he had other plans. He would sit on the bench adjacent to my bench. I used to sit on 2nd bench everyday so he too would occupy the 2nd bench of his row. In that way we both would be indirectly sitting next to each other albeit without sharing a bench. For a day or two I thought that maybe it was a coincidence. Or maybe he too liked to sit in front benches in order to interact with our professors.

He would put an extra effort to grab the second bench. You see ,our places are not fixed. Whosoever comes first, gets the seat he wants. Like first cum first basis. As I was crazy about 2nd seat, I would come 15 minutes early in the class. He too started following the same suit. In fact I once heard him instructing his friends that they must reserve 2nd seat for him whenever he was late.

Well one day when I was going towards water purifier (to drink water), I saw him coming towards my direction. As soon as his friends saw me, they started teasing him. In some code language. He looked at me and blushed and went to the opposite direction. And I was sure it had something to do with me.

Other thing that happened with me was during sunday when we were busy writing our test and my supervisor made me shift to his bench. So as soon as I shifted to his bench, I saw him writing his paper with utmost concentration. He didn't notice me sitting next to him.

Suddenly, while flipping the pages of my answer sheet, I got a paper cut to which I couldn't help myself responding "damn!!". He looked up to see what happened. Suddenly our eyes met.

He was looking into my eyes. As if he was lost in them. I didn't drop my gaze as I too was surprised wondering why he was looking into my eyes like that. So I too kept gazing into his eyes. This went for sometime till I heard my supervisor coughing lightly. It brought us back to reality. He blushed again and continued writing his paper.

Since that episode it was certain. He had crush over me.

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