Unspoken Closeness

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Ever since that eye contact I felt as if something had changed. He would blush lessor and try to make small talk with me.

He would continue to sit on the second bench. During break times, he would play some romantic songs and sing them. Many of his friends sitting next to him or behind him would comment that he was playing them for me. He wouldn't decline. He would simply look at me and smile. And sometimes blush. I found that cute. And yes, I too had fallen for him.

We had our pre scheduled time. During break times I would go to water cooler. He would follow me. We both would simply fill plastic cups with water, look at each other, smile and walk back to the class. Though not hand in hand but at the same pace. As if we were walking together. He would maintain sly smile that looked cute as well as irresistible. No one noticed our silent unspoken routine.

Even though we sat near each other, we would rarely talk. The only form of communication was me or him raising study related questions with any of the professor and the other would actively participate into it.

To any other person, it would look as if two intellectual people were solving queries with the professor as we both would never directly address each other during any sort of discussion. But in our hearts, we knew that it was our way of getting in touch.

Perhaps because we both were ready to admit that there was crush but not yet ready to admit that we both wanted to do something about it. We just enjoyed that unspoken closeness. It went on for few months and I cherished every part of it. It was sweet, cute and unconventional. No cheesy lines, no flirting. Just some heart warming closeness.

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