Chapter Thirty-Five

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Aviritia's POV

Gasping, I woke up from water splashing into my face, my body dangling in the air from my wrists, "Wakey, wakey!"

I looked around, one eye closed from the blood dripping from my head, "Wh-Where are we?!"

"You know where we are," The Man chuckled, trailing his fingers around my trembling body, "Eden should be looking for you by now, but I bet he knows where you are."

"L-Let me go," I whimpered, trying not to squirm at his touch but I couldn't help it.

"Now, now. You know as well as I that that is not going to happen...not until I'm done playing with you."


Eden's POV

Punching a wall, my knuckles cracked from the wood fracturing the bone, "FUCK!! We came out here to escape assholes, not run into them. Jesus fucking Christ."

"Not to be that person," John replied, trying to at least lighten the mood a bit as he fumbled with the straw of his iced coffee, "But --uh-- you do realize axe murders live in the woods, right?"

I immediately punched him in the face with the same fractured knuckles, taking a deep breath of frustration, "SHUT UP."

Pacing, I clenched and unclenched my fists, continuing my breaths, "I-I know where he's at, but how can I go back there? I'm not ready to see that place again."

"If we don't, E," John replied, his voice somewhat muffled as he held his now bleeding nose, "He will keep Avie there and do what he wishes because you aren't stopping him."

My breath got shaky, looking down at the ground, "I know that. That's why he took him there in the first place. You and I are the only ones to go, everyone else stays here. We leave in an hour."


Jonathan's POV

Eden and I had been driving for about two hours. He was tense and I couldn't blame him. He told me some things that happened at that house, but not everything. How could he? He lived it, breathed it, slept in it.

I felt bad, not being able to help him get over it, but he wouldn't let me help him. He's stubborn that way. I doubt he's even told Aviritia about his experience. Doubtful.

We came to a halt in the car, stopping in front of an old grey house, the paint peeling from the walls and the grass so long and disgusting it didn't even look like anybody lived here.

"Stay in the car," Eden mumbled, grabbing my metal bat.


"Don't fucking argue with me, right now," The car door slammed shut behind him before I could even try to argue, my palms hitting the stearing wheel as I sat in my seat.


Eden's POV

I swallowed hard as soon as I slammed the car door shut, hearing the click! as it made contact.

I looked at the grey house. It had been so long since I last saw it, not long enough. I was hoping to never come back here.

Stepping towards the porch, I stumbled weakly up the steps, holding the bat tightly. The creaking of the wooden planks made my stomach and lungs feel like they were about to pop out of my throat.

Here we go...

Slowly opening the door, the hinges creaked horribly, my ears rang from it for a minute and it took a moment to adjust to the fucking sound. I stepped inside, watching where my feet were placed, remembering which wooden boards creaked and which remained silent.

Swallowing hard, I searched the rooms upstairs.

My breath hitched deeply. He took him to the same room as he did me, which was in the attic. My throat locked up immediately as I stared at the door that was steps away from me.

Get it together, Eden. Aviritia needs you right now. Now's not the time to chicken up.

I hesitated before opening the door, trudging up the stairs and gripping the bat tighter, slowly making my way up to the attic floor. It took absolutely everything in me not to drop the bat when I heard Aviritia whimper out in pain.

Too many memories of this place... F-Fuck..

Swallowing hard, I climbed the rest of the stairs.

"GET AWAY FROM-- W-Well, there goes my heroic moment as he's not even here," I gushed, obviously trying to lighten the mood and make a joke but I couldn't even force out a laugh. This place had no fucking life in it and even my own damn body rejected my light-hearted attempt.

"Shh, Eden," Aviritia mumbled out, whimpering as he tugged at his restraints, "H-He's in the next room taking his nap. Pl-Please hurry up and untie me. H-He'll wake up soon."

I quietly dropped the bat at my feet after coming over to him, "What happened to your head?"

I lifted him carefully with one arm, getting the chains off his wrist with the other as I shook my head at my own question, "I-I'll worry about that later. We gotta head downstairs and get to the Mustang, John is waiting."

Following him downstairs, I led him to the car, the dreadfully tormentive voice echoing from behind us when we tried to depart, "Ah, if it isn't my beautiful Eden. You've grown so much, very impressed by how much."

I froze, every fiber in me stiffening as I whispered, "H-Head to the car, Aviritia."

"N-Not without you."


"How sweet of you, Eden," The Old Man grinned as I turned around slowly, facing him for the first time in years, "Wonderful to know some things never change."

My throat dried in seconds as I looked at him, trying to speak but the words just wouldn't spill out, "..."

"Awe, can't speak? I remember when you could never shut up," His smile grew, his cocky attitude growing further, "Only time you stopped talking was when our fun became too much for you to handle. It was so pathetically cute, seeing you so tuckered out. Wonder if that changed?"

"St-St-Stop talking," I finally choked out, "Can you please, just stay away from Aviritia."

"I mean, I think we both know I didn't want him in the first place."

His smirk formed into a revolting lip bite that my stomach knot, his eyes sizing me up slowly. He was biting his lip so damn hard blood trickled down his chin and stained his teeth.

That's when I swung my bat, bashing his skull.

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