Chapter Twenty-Two

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Aviritia's POV

I stretched, turning over and petting Blueberry, her purr filling the room as she snuggled into me. She had a blue ribbon stuck to her claws, causing my head to tilt as I removed it, noticing a grey box on Eden's place of the bed, "Gift One" written in cursive on the tag.

I opened the lid, a light blue glittery outfit for Blueberry inside that made me giggle as I lifted it to turn it around. My body jumped as a diamond bracelet fell from it, a card joining where it landed as my cheeks plummed, reading the card.

"A gift inside a gift. ;)"

I lifted the bracelet, putting it on and petting Blueberry as she sniffed the outfit, pawing at it and then meowing as I put it on her. Her face said it all as she gave me a glare, her little paws trying to get it off as Jonathan stepped into the room. Taking one look at her reaction, he let out a laugh and took a picture of her dismay of failure, "So going to Eden."

She walked backwards, trying to get the outfit off, causing me to giggle more as I watched her tumble around on the bed. I rubbed her ear gently, kissing her head and giving her her toy mouse and earning her to soon forget about the outfit as she batted it around and rolled across the bed.


Aviritia's POV

I looked at the note on my pillow, getting dressed from my shower and brushing my hair with a little hum, my eyes admired the cursive writing Eden had on this note.

"During the day, I bloom.

But night time is surely my doom.

One place I am found,

this place is near your ground.

The grass is so green,

I am the most beautiful thing seen.

It is quite difficult to find me,

find me and the greatest you'll be."

I repeated the poem over and over, trying to figure it out as I headed over to Zecira, hoping she'd be able to help me.

"Such a magical place, but quickly to it you must race. Thy place fades fast, tomorrow night is it's last, for it will not be back until another fifty years," She grinned, knowing very well what Eden was writing about.

"B-But I don't know what this place is," I frowned at her.

"Come, My Child," I followed her through the woods, looking around, Blueberry following us as we walked. Zecira brought me over to a cliff side, pointing towards it, "Here you will find your gift, for it is over the cliff."

I looked at her, surprised and a little scared as she motioned me over, "Come and look, My Child, the danger is surely mild."

I looked down the cliff and sure enough, she was right. Not even three feet down was a small rock sticking out of the cliff side, a golden flower blooming in the bright sunlight, it's roots digging into bright green grass.

"Pick the flower, we must," Zecira hummed as I looked at her, getting down on my knees and reaching down to pick the flower, handing it over to her as she smiled to the plant, "A potion we must brew."

Once back at her place, I waited outside as she mixed up a potion with the flower, standing up from the house steps when she joined me back outside, a green box with a gold ribbon tied around it in her hands, "Thank you, Zecira."

She gave me a nod as I gave her a hug before I took the gift and ran into my place, going up the stairs and jumping onto the bed. Opening the box, I moved the pretty gold paper, uncovering a silver laptop and my cheeks going radish as my pupils collapsed to what was next to it. It was a multicolored vibrator with a black remote that had silver buttons.

I lifted the vibrator, looking at it shyly and setting it back down before opening the laptop as I pulled it into my lap after hugging my pillow. An email was already opened.

"Hit 'Open' to video chat."

I clicked the "Open" button, gushing sheepishly as it rang with the cute Gummy Bear song and seven different rainbow gummy bears dancing as the loading screen.

Eden answered, chuckling at my burning cheeks and hugging his left leg as he rested on a hotel bed, "Hey, Gorgeous."

I waved shyly, hiding my face in my pillow more as I hugged it tighter. I was very shy and I really hated it.

"Awe, did somebody not expect to get a vibrator?" His tone was incredibly cocky and enjoying himself as my cheeks flushed from the load of timidness that drastically dropped as he continued, "I'd really like to see you use it."

My cheeks became beetroot, my voice squeaking out as I tried to get him focused on other things, "A-Aren't you busy r-right now?"

"Nah, I'm hanging out in my hotel room right now. I don't have to do anything for a few hours," He chuckled, very quick with his response as he smiled at me.

My cheeks continued to be rose colored as I lifted the vibrator, sheepishly looking at it and avoiding looking at him, "I-I got to l-lube it first."

"How are you going to lube it if you don't know where the lubing cream is?" He had his toying little smirk on as I glanced over at him, perking up and immediately looking in the nightstand. The cold lubing cream was no longer where it should be as my throat squeaked from his response to my actions, "Mmm, that ass."

Looking from him and back to the vibrator, I sat back down, attempting to lower the camera as I lifted the vibrator to my lips. My cheeks burned so aggressively as he growled, "Ah, ah, ah! Bad little Kitten!"

I was the common poppy as I fixed the camera back up so he could see the vibrator slowly slipping into my mouth, my cheeks fiery as he watched, his pretty teeth biting down on his bottom lip, "D-Deep throat it for me, Baby."

I flushed more, doing as I was told and slipping off my clothes as I held it in my mouth. His eyes were glued on me the entire time as I slipped it out of my mouth, my cheeks pomegranate as drool dripped when the tip of the vibrator left my lips.

Carefully getting on my knees, I propped the vibrator up, blushing madly as I sat down on it, a moan leaving my lips as I held my pillow against my face, "N-Now wh-what?"

"Grab the little remote," Eden cooed, watching as I did what I was told, "Press the button that says 'low'."

Immediately after pushing the button, my spine arched and I sat up straight from the sensation. Eden bit his lip more aggressively, drawing blood and licking it clean as I trembled at his words, "Put it on max, Baby."

"B-But I'm not used--," I tried to whine but he was quick to cut me off.

"Put. It. On. Max. Now."

I amaranthed, doing as I was told, "Y-yes, sir."

Aviritia LustWhere stories live. Discover now