Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Aviritia's POV

My eyes fluttered open, looking around the pale white room I was in, my body tried to sit up but I yelped from the twine digging into my wrists as I fell back down. I squirmed and wiggled, trying to get my wrists and ankles free.

A man came into the room, carrying a tray of food, "You're never going to get out of there, Kid."

"Wh-Where am I? Wh-Why am I here? Wh-Where's Eden? Wh-Who the fuck are you?"

He rolled his eyes at my questions, unphased as he sat down on the bed, "The more questions you ask, the more likely you'll get gagged. You might as well shut up. It's best to behave, alright? My partner does bad things, especially if you make him mad, but if you behave he may allow you to be untied and may even let you be outside a little."

He untied my wrists, sitting me up. My first reaction was to go for my ankles, but he was quick to put a needle into my neck and mutter, "Don't even try it, you'll be asleep before you can even touch that twine. Now, be a good boy and eat your food or I'll have to get my partner."

I swallowed hard, setting my hands onto my lap as he removed the needle. I rubbed where he put the needle as he set the tray on my lap, allowing him to feed me as I whispered out, "C-Can you at least tell me why I'm here?"

"I can't."

"Th-Then, I'm not eating any of your damn food," I spat, crossing my arms after I swatted the spoon from his hand, turning my face towards the wall. With a sigh, he tied my wrists back up after I laid back down on the bed, exiting the room soon after.


Eden's POV

John looked to me after the police left as I lit a cigarette, "Are you sure it was him, E? Absolutely goddamn sure?"

"I'm fucking sure, J. I've never been so sure in my life," I hissed at him, flicking the cigarette in annoyance. His question really fucking irritated me.

"Then, this isn't good, Eden. You know what he'll do to Aviritia."

"Don't you think I know that, John?! Why do you think I didn't date that much after you, hm?! When I met Aviritia, I thought everything was going to be fine! He hadn't been around for awhile so I thought it was safe! I never should have had Aviritia stay with me, I-I should've had him stay at Lenora's."

"We're going to find him, Eden. Even if it takes forever, we are going to find him."

"I'm scared, J. You know what he did to me, imagine what he's going to do to Aviritia. He's just a child and he's even more fragile than an antique vase, I couldn't even do half the shit I wanted to because he couldn't handle it."

"We. Are. Going. To. Find. Him, understood?"

I nodded hesitantly, shaking as I put the cigarette between my lips, blowing out more smoke.

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