Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aviritia's POV

I looked to Eden, his back facing me as he guarded me from the raggedy man, the man's golden eyes still preying upon me as I held onto my torn skirt and broken collar. I couldn't speak as I trembled against Eden's tensive state, trying to brush the dirt off my knee socks but my hips ached, my legs struggled to hold me up as he growled out, "How dare you lay your filthy hands upon my boyfriend, You Worthless Freak."

Eden's voice was dark and cold, the blue in his eyes almost a purplish color, his hands forming such tight fists that his knuckles crackled and popped. He was fully prepared to bash this guy's skull in at any moment, as I snaked my arms around his waist. I was ready to go home, nothing more.

"I couldn't help it, I can't resist the squirmers," The man replied, his voice wet and drooly from what he did earlier, like what he got just hadn't been enough, "Especially when they dress in such a tiny little skirt and have a tight little choker on their neck."

Eden had a low growl, his eyes shooting daggers at the man, as soon as he felt my body tremble more just from the man's voice alone, my throat whimpering as I hid my face into Eden's spine and closed my eyes tightly, "...I-I-I want to go home."

His body settled at my words, his hands resting on mine and caressing them, he didn't seem to know what to do or say as his voice became quiet, "John, deal with this pervert while I take Aviritia home."

Jonathan used his baseball bat to block the man from us so we could leave the alley, snarling as he followed close behind us, wiggling his bat in a circular motion to the man's groin, "One move and you'll be losing everything you care about."

My limping and wobbling caused Eden to pick me up carefully, his arms wrapping tightly around me as he pulled his leather jacket around me protectively, my face buried into the crook of his neck.

"It doesn't matter, now....I'll forever be on his mind," The man cackled, disappearing into the shadows as we got into Jonathan's car, his laugh made my body ache in fear as I held onto Eden the entire way home.

He buried his face into my neck, rocking me and trying to calm me down in the car, carrying me upstairs when we got home. Timidly, he set me on the bed and repeatedly kissed my head with a shaky breath, about to let me go.

"D-Don't go!" I cried out, panicked as I grasped onto him tight, whimpering.

He held onto me, his arms tightly bound to me. His voice was barely audible and breaking as he buried his face into my throat, "I-I'm not going anywhere. I swear to God, I am not fucking going anywhere, Kitten."

I pulled him onto me as I laid back on the bed, hugging him tighter as I wrapped my legs around his waist, even though it hurt...A lot. We laid like that for a while until he fell asleep on me, my neck soaked in his tears.

I gently pushed him off me and onto the bed, pulling the blanket over him and getting up weakly, limping my way downstairs. I whimpered when my hips popped from moving them, Jonathan catching me and carrying me the rest of the way so I wouldn't go tumbling, "I gotcha."

He helped me to the shower, helping me with my clothes when I mumbled out, "I-I don't think my hips can take standing anymore."

"Wait here," He left and came back with a metal washtub, setting it under the shower-head and turning it on, "Sit down and I'll help you wash up."

I sat down, the tub filling up with warm water as he rolled up his sleeves, scrubbing me down gently and cleaning the dirt and blood off me.

Zecira came in, holding a small glass of pink goo, "Drink up, My Child. Your wounds are only mild. With this potion they will heal, but only a sip will seal the deal."

I took the glass, scrunching my face as I looked at it, bringing it to my lips and gagging as the taste entered my mouth. I forced the liquid down my throat, squirming and handing her back the glass.

Jonathan helped me out of the washtub, drying me off and helping me into some pajamas, whispering as he carried me back over to Eden and tucked me in, "Get some rest with Eden, A. Tomorrow is another day."

"W-Will Eden be alright?"

Jonathan chuckled a little in response, ruffling my hair as if I had asked a ridiculous question, "When has he ever been alright?"


Aviritia's POV

I helped Jonathan with the garden we were trying to make by Eden's house, Eden watching from the window. What he had said last night kept playing inside my mind, dancing around every little distraction I tried to get.

"When has he ever been alright?"

Jonathan had a point but I couldn't help but worry about Eden, my mind wandering back to when he accidentally hit me and went into Panic Mode.

Will he go into panic mode, again?

"If you're worried about Eden, he'll be alright. He's just scared you'll get hurt again or blame him for not protecting you," Jonathan rested his hands on the end of his garden hoe, resting his chin on them gently as he watched me work.

"B-But I don't blame him, n-nobody could predict their lover being raped." I replied quickly but quietly, scrunching my eyebrows and frowning, "Th-The only person who can do that is Zecira, b-but you know how she is. Sh-She doesn't like having that happen so she just takes a special potion to shut it off."

He chuckled, nodding a bit as he got back to work, "True, but that doesn't stop people from blaming each other. They always blame the other for not doing something even though there's no way they could've known."


Aviritia's POV

I convinced Eden to take me out to a movie, and of course he was afraid to. He was too afraid I'd get hurt again, but I convinced him to go anyway and I was thankful that he caved and agreed...Really hated him being so afraid and worried.

I sat with him in the very back, sitting on his lap as soon as the lights were turned off. Not many were at the theatre and those that were sat in the very front.

He held my waist, kissing my temple sweetly as I rested my side against his chest, my voice whispering out to him, "Th-thank you for taking me out, Eden. I-I know how scared you must be from what happened a few days ago."

"Anything to make you happy," He soothed, holding me closer and kissing my nose. I gently placed my lips against his, rubbing his chest with my fingertips and lowering to his jeans.

He stopped me by grabbing my hands, hissing quietly, "I-I'm not in the mood, Baby."

I kissed his lips, nibbling to calm him down since I knew what he was meaning, "D-Don't be chicken, Eden. I-I'm not afraid and know why you are."

He let go of my hands, surprised by my remark as I undid his belt, slipping my hand between his flesh and the fabric of his boxers. I lowered after making sure nobody could see us, kissing his tip and looking up at him.

The dim light from the movie was the only thing helping me see his face, his eyes shut tight as his cheeks tried not to rose up, his teeth biting his bottom lip as he peeked at me. His nails dug into the arm rests as his leg bounced in agitation, "Wh-What if--"

"J-Just relax, Eden. Ev-Everything's going to be alright. J-Just breathe," I kissed at his base, purring against him as he let out a quiet nod and relaxed his legs a little so I could keep going, "J-Just relax and let me do the rest."

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