Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eden's POV

Drowsily, I turned over, reaching for Aviritia. My hand landed on the body pillow I had next to me instead, making me groan as I pulled it to me and buried my face into it. I keep forgetting I'm nowhere near him. This shit fucking sucks.

I turned onto my back, draping my arm over my face and staring up at the ceiling of the hotel I rested in, mumbling out, "Halfway through."

With a grumble, I got up and showered, muttering in annoyance to the slight throbbing I had under my v-line, looking down at my shaft with a roll of my eyes, "Get the fuck over it. You're not the only one missing him, ya know."


Aviritia's POV

I looked into Zecira's garden, finding a shiny box in her roses and picking it up, giggling as I took it inside.

Gift fifteen, halfway there!

I pulled out knee socks that were glittery and had kittens on the knees, wiggling my toes as I pulled them on, doing the same with my new clothes and jewelry and laying on the bed before snuggling Blueberry.

Jonathan came up the stairs, tossing me some Burger King and watching as I pulled out the Bacon King and some fries, handing over a milkshake as he sat next to me and began eating his own cheeseburger.

Blueberry crawled into his lap, sniffing his food before biting into it and munching on it, making me laugh as he frowned and pulled it away from her, her body instantly following it as her nose wiggled and her jaws tried to bite into the food. Succeeding in biting, her tail wagged but then her face scrunched and she hissed, her body running from the food as a pickle fell from the cheeseburger.

I laughed as Jonathan muttered, "That's what you get for trying to take my damn food!"


Aviritia's POV

I sat with Jonathan and his friends by the pool, pushing him into it and giggling as his friends laughed at him coming up for air. Their laughter died as I also pushed them in, moving away when Jonathan tried to pull me in and trying to run when he crawled out to get me. I wasn't quick enough as he grabbed me and dragged me into the water by falling backwards into it.

I squealed, falling down with him, the water splashing around me and coughing as the water filled my lungs. He rubbed my back as he helped me get the water from my throat, chuckling as he took me into my house, "Sorry, Kiddo. Didn't mean for that to happen, why don't I make you some tea? It'll help the soreness."

Turning on the stove, he filled a pot with water and rested it against the flame before getting me some dry clothes and giving me some privacy to change, pulling out small glasses and two tea bags.

I changed my clothes, scrunching my brows as I asked, "Wh-What about you? Ar-Aren't you cold?"

He chuckled in response, heading over to the door, "I'm alright, Aviritia. Watch the pot while I change into something dry."

I watched him head over to his place to change as I tended to the pot, putting the tea bags into the two glasses and waiting for the water to boil. Looking over at his return, I saw that he now had on skinny jeans and blue zip-up hoodie with white fluff on the inside.

He slid a black comb through his dirty blonde hair, brushing it out of his face, that's when I realized just how much he looked like Eden, bringing surprise to me, "Ar-Are you Eden'"

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