Chapter Seventeen

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Aviritia's POV

I stretched, turning to hug Eden but he wasn't around, a sleepy frown danced across my face as I rubbed the sleep from my face and stood up. I winced at the sun shining through the window as I stood against it, looking out to see if I could see Eden.

He and his uncle were working on the pool, my lips giggling as I watched him all bent over and on his hands and knees as he worked. My eyes widened as my throat squeaked, my attention peering towards Jonathan as he pointed towards me with a chuckle.

A few minutes later, Eden called out from downstairs, "Come down here, You Little Pervert!"

I stayed where I stood, my cheeks rhubarb as he yelled, "If I have to come up there, somebody's going to get spankings!"

I hid under the bed, blushing as I heard him coming up the stairs, watching his shoes move around the room as he sang, "Aviritia-Baby, I know you're up here somewhere."

I hid more under the bed, staying quiet as his shoes stopped in front of the bed, my arms hugging my knees as he waited, "Come out from under the bed, Young Man."

Slowly, he got on his hands and knees, peering under the bed and to me, my cheeks fiery as I looked at his sweat soaked hair and the little bits of dirt on his face. It was such a turn on, especially cause I'd never seen him with his hair tied back.

He tried to grab my ankle but I crawled out from under the bed, running down the stairs as I giggled at his groan of a response, "You get back here!"

My giggle fit turned into laughter as I gunned it out the door, ducking it passed his chuckling uncle, Eden coming out the back door to try and catch me and failing as he laughed, "I'm gonna get you, Baby Cakes!"

I didn't stop laughing or running as he tried to grab me, ducking under a big tree and getting him to stumble and land on it, "Goddamn it!"

"N-Nooo!" I laughed as he tackled me, giving me a noogie before tickling me on the ground, my body squirming as my feet kicked at him. He kissed my lips as I scrunched my face at him, "Y-You need a shower."

He took off his shirt and wiped his face down as I exaggerated how smelly and dirty he was by plugging my nose and fake gagging, giggling at him as he scrunched his face at his own shirt,"You're right, I do need a shower."

He chuckled, standing up and holding his hand out to me, helping me up as he pulled me to him and held my hand. Following him inside, my cheeks strawberried at his stripping, admiring him doing so as I hesitantly asked, "Wh-When a-am I-I s-suppose t-to g-get sp-spankings?"

"Later on. I'm not telling you when, though," He smirked, starting to strip me bare, my arms wrapping around my body in shyness from the sudden actions from him, "For now, though, you'll have to take a shower with me."

He pulled me into the shower, turning it on and pulling the shower curtain around us, my eyes watching the water drip down his hair and body and covering my face with flustered expressions. Chuckling deviously, he uncovered my face and kissed my lips, biting my bottom lip aggressively and abusing the skin so rough it swelled and tingled, "No, you're being punished for hiding and running away."

With a quick movement my wrists were above my head, his lips back to mine as I panted weakly, "N-No f-fair."

A devilish smirk formed upon his lips, his free hand clawing its way down his well-defined and soaked abs and making its way down before rubbing between his thighs and making me watch.

Squeaks and whimpers escaped my throat, my cheeks pomegranate and my shaft starting to throb as my legs buckled. His other hand had no issue of holding me up by my wrists as I pouted out, "Y-You're a b-big meanie. N-No fair."

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