Chapter Three

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Aviritia's POV

It had been just a couple weeks -- I think about four or five -- and things were more comforting all over again like it was at the campfire. Eden drove around with me, letting me hug him from behind, the breeze was soothing and cooling from the heat of the sun.

"W-Where are you taking me?" I asked, looking around, trying to not have my leg start bouncing with anxiety or dig my fingernails into my hands -- or his stomach -- with fear. I really hated my paranoia spiking up so drastically...Took the fun out of everything.

"The beach," He chuckled nonchalantly, like it wasn't a big deal. I could tell he was avoiding pointing out my arms tightening around him because he didn't want to raise more anxiety out of me. Admittedly, I was thankful. People used to point it out all the damn time and it felt belittling and frustrating because I couldn't go a day without being told I was a wimp..

"I-I-I can't swim," I swallowed, defeated as I felt my nails tighten into my palms, "I-I-I drown."

"I'll teach you."

I held onto him, gripping his shirt tight cause it was the only thing I could do to not tear my flesh. I could feel his pounding heart. Boom, boom, boom. It was like thunder ripping through the air at night time when you're trying to sleep. I could feel his abs and pecks right beneath my fingernails. They rubbed against the black fabric as he breathed. His breathing was gentle, like a sleeping child. I closed my eyes, focusing on his breathing and his heartbeat, feeling relaxed.

His chuckle brought my attention back to the world, "I'm hoping that's the seat."

My cheeks went to crimson red, looking between my thighs. Damned fucking buldge is going to be the death of me, I swear to God.

"S-Sorry," I squeaked, wishing I could die at this moment so I wouldn't have to feel so embarrassed. Why me? Haven't I been punished enough, already? God sucks.

"It's alright, Kid," He chuckled, bringing his bike to a halt and stepping his feet onto the parking lot of the beach as he cocked his head to the side, removing his helmet with a shake of his hair, "It's perfectly normal. I'm not going to judge you for being human."

He took me to some rocks, telling me how this spot was his favorite because nobody liked coming over here. He liked getting privacy. He liked hiding away from the crowds and the people. People seemed to scare him, I think. That's what I was getting from his voice as he spoke.

I watched him strip down to his violet-colored boxers that had little patterns on them and then took off my white -- with little black pockets -- shirt, covering my chest with my arms. I really hated showing my skin, I felt gross..

"Damn, you're pale," He looked over to me, trying to keep from chuckling as he saw my discomfort as he looked me over, "I really hope you don't burn easily or this will be such a pain. Pun intended."

I blushed with a fidget of my arms, looking at my pale body and squeaking out awkwardly, noting his dorky attempt to lighten the mood, "I-I'm ready to go into the water."

"What about your pants?"


His chuckle finally managed out as he brought me to the water. I held onto him, my heart racing and my breath turning into light hyperventilation as the cold water rose further up my body.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's alright, Aviritia, it's alright!" He picked me up, setting me on some rocks in the water and caressing my sides, "Breathe, just breathe. It's alright, take deep breaths."

I took deep breaths as he went under water, coming back up with small little shells. I looked at them, toying around with them. They were all sorts of colors and different sizes. One was black and brown, another was a brownish-purple, while a third was pinkish, "T-They're pretty."

We got quiet, listening to seagulls caw and felt the wind rubbing our backs and pulling our hair. I closed my eyes slowly, smelling the air and feeling the wind. His hands gently caressed my arms, water dripping down my body. I breathed lightly, almost falling asleep.

A voice brought me back to the world. It was sadistic and cruel, lacking emotions but torment and amusement as it called from the sand, "Well, look at what we have here. Faggot's got a little boytoy. They just keep getting younger and younger. Makes me wonder how young you want 'em."

Eden's hand collapsed onto my thighs, gripping them painfully tight, his nails digging deep into my skin. I held a whimper from the pain as I tried to keep my focus on the shells.

"Fuck off, John," Eden replied dryly, his focus on Jonathan as a growl escaped the back of his throat, "I don't want to deal with you right now."

"Fuck off? Why don't you go back to your little hut and go back to jacking off to your daddy, hm? Bet you still think about him a lot, huh?" Jonathan let out a retortful laugh, not hiding the smile in his voice. He was having fun putting on such a show, enjoying pissing Eden off and making me uncomfortable.

Eden gripped tighter, "I trusted you to keep quiet about my father raping me, John. Back off."

"Why keep it quiet? I mean, a faggot like you probably liked it. Bet you even moaned for him, too. Why don't you give your little buddy an example? Maybe he'll enjoy it and be just as a freak as you."

I let out a very quiet whimper, Eden's nails tearing skin and blood drawing. I did the only thing I could think of that would calm him down. Turning his chin towards me, I made him look at me and pressed my lips to his, holding him in place as I kissed him.

His gripped loosened up, his lips parted in surprise from my actions. His hands slowly planted onto my cheeks as he kissed back, pulling me closer as Jonathan gave up when he couldn't get our attention back towards him.

"Thank you," Eden whispered out when we parted away, looking at me shyly, "Even if it didn't mean anything."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He started to turn away, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat, immediately trying to think of something else instead of the current moment. I grabbed his wrist, turning him around and kissing him again, pulling him tightly to me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He kissed back passionately and without hesitation, putting one hand above my head and the other cupping my neck. A small grin formed on his lips through the kiss.

"T-Tell me one thing," I said quietly, pulling away and noting the glint of dissatisfaction in his eyes from my action.

"Anything," He hesitated, narrowing his eyes at me in curiosity as he looked my face over.

"W-Was this supposed to be a date?" I asked, cocking my head to the side as I looked at him, slaying the dragon of hope in my head so the pleading tone wouldn't seep through my voice.

He chuckled defeatedly, doing a lazily embarrassed grin towards me as he rolled his eyes at himself, "Yeah, a little bit. Was hoping you wouldn't catch on, to be perfectly honest."

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