Chapter Fourteen

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Aviritia's POV

Sitting up, I looked at my mother as she had her hands on her hips, staring down at me as I rubbed my eyes. I could tell she was more annoyed with me than usual. She lifted up Eden's jacket, "I want one correct answer, whose jacket is this?"

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding as I stared at the jacket, "I-I-It's m-m-mine."

She lifted the tag, "Really because this size is too big for you, and it says that it belongs to a guy named Eden."

I looked from her to the jacket, contemplating on what to say, biting hard on my tongue as my throat swelled and dried.

Don't say it, don't say it. You say it, you die. DON'T SAY IT!

"H-H-He's a-a fr-friend th-that I-I m-made wh-while a-away," She didn't seem to like that "friend" part as I managed the words out.

"What kind of friend?"

I started to sweat, swallowing down hard as I watched her every move, crawling away from her when all she did was take one move, "H-H-He t-took m-me i-in wh-when I-I h-had n-no pl-place t-to g-go."

"Why don't you tell your father about him, then? I'm sure he's got some things to say about your 'friend.'"

I looked down, staying quiet as I fidgeted with my shirt, hearing a can toss to the ground and my father belch as he joined us in the basement, "What am I to know?"

"Our son seems to be very close to a boy named Eden," My mother chimed, batting her eyes in his direction with a grin of amusement at the fury that rang through my father's expression.

"Excuse me?" He growled towards my direction, sweat immediately coursing out of my body as it trembled and shook.

"H-H-He's j-just a-a fr-friend," I croaked out as he grabbed my shirt collar, shoving me between him and my mother.

"I think he's ready to go you-know-where," He snarled as I choked at his grip, dragging me up the stairs and out the door.

"Wh-Where ar-are w-we g-going?" I whimpered out, really wishing at this moment to just continue being locked in the basement as he threw me into his rusty rest pickup truck and slammed the door in my face.

"Shut up, Ya Maggot," I buckled up, trembling and wondering where he was taking me but not daring to say another word as he drove into town.

Through the truck window I could see Eden, he was hugging the green haired lady, crying in her arms when Zecira's lips moved, causing him to look over to my direction.

He wiped his face, looking at me and then, of course, we just had to park right across the street from him. I looked at the place we parked in front, furrowing my eyebrows. I jumped as my father snarled at me, "Get out of the damn car!"

Jumping into action, I stumbled out of the car, swallowing as I held myself and dug my nails into my skin, knowing very well that the bruises and burn marks were visible from where Eden stood. I watched as father stepped out of the car, carrying Eden's jacket as he lit a cigarette. He was daring me to do something or ask a question. With the little bit of pride I had left, I dared, "Wh-What i-is th-this pl-place?"

I yelped, his palm hitting my cheek with a bit of his cigarette grazing my skin. It was enough to get me to shut up as he muttered, "What the hell did I tell you about asking damn questions?!"

I looked down, shutting up as I held my burning cheek. I could feel Eden's eyes were glued to our presence, closing my eyes tightly as I tried to not focus on his own.

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