Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Aviritia's POV

I was slowly turned over as I slept, making me laugh as I tried to go back to sleep, "Mmm, E-Eden, stop. I-I'm trying to sleep."

What really woke me up was my jeans being sliced open with a knife, Eden would never do such a thing...Especially so lazily that the tip of the blade grazed my thigh and drew blood.

The twine was removed from my ankles, a man smirking as I tried to move onto my back, tugging at the twine that trapped my wrists, "I like them nice and squirmy."

The man grabbed my hips and held them up, slamming his hips hard against mine, causing me to let out a scream from literally just him touching me. In response, I got slapped, "Shut up, You Little Whore! You wake up my brother and I'll make sure you regret it!"

I bit down on my lip, his hips hitting mine roughly as he grunted against my skin. The smell of his beer soaked breath made my stomach churn as small cries left my throat with each rut of his hips. His touch was violating and made my body feel disgusting. I could feel the vomit rising to my throat but I swallowed it back down, my hips trembling as they started to collapse.

"Keep your damn hips up!" He growled as he pulled at my hair, thrusting harder. He picked my hips back up before cutting a small hole into the mattress and placing the handle of the blade into the hole, the tip of the blade rubbing against my stomach.

I whimpered with a massive hitched breath, trying to keep myself up so the blade wouldn't cut me.

"That'll keep you up, huh? Admit it, you like it rough! You're such a fucking slut!" I yelped at his hips being more aggressive, the blade making small cuts against my stomach with each thrust and blood trickling down it, staining the sheetless mattress. He struck me again when my whimpering got louder from the pain, "Shut up!"


Aviritia's POV

I whimpered weakly, a wet rag dabbing at the cuts on my stomach. I tried to turn over, but failed from the twine.

"I know it stings, but it'll keep it from infecting," Andrew whispered quietly, "Just keep still."

I whimpered sickly, too sore to even talk or look at him. I wanted to hide.

His dabbing at my back entrance made my cry out in pain, his hand clasping around my mouth as he hissed out, "Shut up, you'll get in more trouble!"

I whimpered in a small voice, wishing I was untied so I could curl up where I lay, "Pl-Please, just leave me alone."

"I've gotta clean you up or you'll get infected," He dabbed my back area a second time, covering my mouth with his free hand. Finishing up, he untied my wrists and sat me up a little, lifting a small water bottle to my lips, "Please, drink this. You've got to stay hydrated."

I moved my face away, "H-How do I know there's nothing in it?"

He took a drink of it with a roll of his eyes, "If it was, I wouldn't have drank it. Now, drink."

I took a small sip, swallowing the water more from how dry my throat was than anything else.


Aviritia's POV

I looked to Andrew as he took me outside, carrying garden tools as I looked around, "My partner wants you to help me weed the garden.

I followed him to the garden, asking quietly, "Wh-Where is he anyway?"

"He went out to get some groceries," He replied.

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