Chapter Twelve

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Aviritia's POV

Eden chuckled, watching me wobble and limp around him, my face scrunchy as I kept trying to walk, "M-m-my b-butt f-feels w-weird."

His chuckle turned into laughter as I pouted, coming over to him and saying a second time, "M-myyy b-butttt f-feelssss w-weirdddd!!!! St-Stop l-laughing!"

He laughed more as he gently pecked my lips and held me around my waist, pulling me tightly to him, smiling against my mouth, "It's going to take awhile for it to stop feeling weird."

He kept laughing as I kept repeating over and over, "...M-My b-butt f-feels w-weird."


Aviritia's POV

I followed Eden as we walked around town, his hand holding and caressing mine as he smiled.

"Wh-Where are you going?" I asked, looking at him and away from our hands.

"To get you more clothes," He grinned as he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it, caressing it delicately with his thumb.

I blushed, croaking immediately, "B-B-But I-I already have clothes! I-I don't need anymore!"

"Well, you're getting more and you're getting new shoes, too," He grinned against the back of my palm, looking over at me as I stared at him, allowing me to stop us in front of Gordmans.

I flushed, huffing with my bottom lip popping out at him, "Y-You just want to spoil me, d-don't you?"

He chuckled with a nod as he brought me into the store, tugging my arm with a flick of his head to motion me to follow. Hesitantly, I followed him over to the aisles of clothing and let him help me pick out a variety of skirts, shirts, dresses, stockings, jackets, and even some socks. The pile in the cart made me fidgety as he brought me over to the shoe section, not ignoring the glances of shoes he saw I had interest in and getting them in my size before handing them over for me to try them on.

A few people walked by, second glancing when they noticed I was a boy and not a girl trying on some heels. My cheeks strawberried as I tried not to focus on their glances and quick whispers, Eden lifting my chin and pressing his lips against mine with no remorse to my embarrassment and shyness. He truly was not ashamed to be around me and it made my heart flutter and die.

I followed him as we walked around, hugging his arm close as we walked passed people, burying my face into his arm and getting a bad headspace all over again. I really hated the looks people gave me...Especially because a few of the faces I recognized.

"Wh-When may we go home? I-I know some of these people, th-they might tell my parents," My throat felt like the Kalahari Desert as I tried to hide my face and manage the trembling that started up. Too many faces I recognized, so little that I didn't know. Panic was setting in and I really hated it.

His footsteps came to an abrupt halt as his hands cupped my cheeks and lifted my head, his voice and expression serious as he made me look at him, "Calm down, Aviritia. Everything's going to be alright, I won't let anybody hurt you. Nothing is going to happen, I won't let it."

"C-Can we please go home, E-Eden? I-I'm scared," I begged with a whimper, avoiding his eyes as I looked at the cement floor under our feet, feeling the blurriness come to light as tears stained my cheeks, "I-I just want to go"

He sighed, giving in as he hugged my side gently and kissed my forehead, "Alright, come on."

I followed him to the cashier and waited as the cashier added up all the prices and looked over to Eden, "That'd be $567.14."

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