Chapter Twenty-Six

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Aviritia's POV

I watched Jonathan through my window, he had a bunch of girls around him. I'd never seen them before and I was really confused...and curious.

One of them had long, curly bright blue hair with a blue cutoff shirt and black short shorts while black heeled boots were on her feet. Another was a blonde with a black skin-tight dress with black tie-on heels, the imprints of her nipples gave away that she wasn't wearing a bra. A third wore a short pink dress and pink heels, her dark brown hair parted to one side. The fourth and fifth were twins. One twin wore purple skinny jeans and a black swimsuit top, her hair was short and black with purple tips, the other twin was identical to her but instead of purple, she had hot pink.

Jonathan toyed with the blonde's hair, smiling as he spoke to her.

"E-Eden, who are those girls?" Eden stepped over, looking at who I was pointing to, then sighed with a roll of his eyes.

"He only has prostitutes around when he's feeling lonely or when things are really bugging him."

"Pro-Prostitute...?" I asked, unfamiliar with the word as it rolled off my tongue.

"It's somebody who goes around and has sex with random people for money."

"B-But why are those girls prostitutes? Th-They're so pretty, wh-why would they do something so gross? D-Don't they know how dangerous and gross that is? A-And that they can do better than that?"

"Sometimes the only thing a person can do is something they don't want to do, like John. He doesn't like flirting and having sex with prostitutes, but when he's really down it's the only thing that distracts him," Eden leaned against the wall, "Besides, not all prostitutes are the same. Some of them actually enjoy what they do. Prostituting isn't a bad thing, society just gives it a bad rap."

I thought about the first part that he said for a second or two, "L-Like that time when you were sad a-and hurt yourself?"

He looked down, nodding a bit, "Y-Yeah."

I hugged him, kissing his nose as I went back to talking about Jonathan, "B-But what is Jonathan upset about?"

"He's feeling lonely. He doesn't like seeing couples together, it only reminds him that he's single," Eden sighed, "Prostitutes make him feel important."

"C-Can't we help him find somebody?"

"It's hard to, he doesn't like showing emotions so nobody really knows how he feels."

"B-But you do."


Aviritia's POV

Jonathan came out of his home with the twins, his shirt draped over his shoulder and his belt undone while his jeans were unbuttoned. His arms were draped around both the twins' waists, the twins giggling as he said something funny.

"Oh, You Big Tease, you don't mean that!" Both the twins said in complete unison, hitting his chest as they laughed.

"Oh, yes, I do mean that," He grinned with a cocky tone and a roll of his eyes. The twins giggled more, laughing as he walked them to his car.

"Are you sure we can't stay any longer? We really don't mind, Johnny," They whined at him as he opened the door for them and watched them get in.

"My friends can be a little crazy around pretty girls, it's best I keep you pretty things safe from them. I'll take you guys home and maybe some other time we can see each other, again," He chuckled before shutting the door, getting into the driver's side and driving off to take them home.

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