Chapter Thirteen

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Eden's POV

It didn't take more than a moment for my body to wake up at Aviritia's vacating body, my own aching to pull him back to me and hold him tightly against my body. His back faced me as he wrote out his note, not knowing that I was awake as I watched him head to the door. He froze, his hand upon the door as he looked at the hook that held my jacket.

I could see him mentally arguing with himself about whether to take it with him or to leave it behind. Admittedly, I had to fight the pained little smile that tried to escape as he closed his eyes tightly and rested his head against the door. Caving, he took the jacket off the hook and lazily slipped it onto his shoulders, quietly whispering, "Fine."

As the door shut, I stepped off the couch, coming over to the window and watching him through it, biting down on my tongue as I watched him go. I ducked down as he turned, watching him from where I couldn't be seen. His expression was pained as he strolled backwards, fixing the jacket the further he got.

"Don't worry, Avie," I mumbled to myself, "You're not getting away that easy."


Aviritia's POV

I walked around the basement, goofing around with literally anything I could get my hands on. Boredom was not my best fortei and I may be introverted but even this lack of socializing was driving me mad...Literally. I was even making conversation with inanimate objects and the little "sessions" from my father made me giddy with joy.

I groaned, rolling around, grumbling as I rolled onto my back with a loud huff, "I forgot how lonely it is being stuck down here, wish I had a stress ball at least."

The basement door shot open, making me sit up as I watched a bruised green apple bounce its way down the steps as the door slammed and locked.

I cleaned off my apple as best as I could, biting down on it and laying on the ground, "That works, too."

The sun reflected on something shiny, catching my eye and having me roll in its direction, too lazy to get up and walk. A small gold coin was under the table so I picked it up, looking at it and flipping it around.


Aviritia's POV

"Get up here! It's cleaning time! You've got ten seconds!"

I got up, coming up the stairs grudgingly as mother made me take off my clothes, pushing me into the bathroom roughly before slamming the door. I looked to the filled tub, muttering in sarcasm, "Oh, yay! I'm either getting ice cold water or scorching hot water."

I shivered, sitting in the tub and cleaning myself from the dirt and grime that was caked against my body. I hate cold baths.


Aviritia's POV

I did everything I was supposed to. No arguing or fighting. I didn't even take my sweet ass time or laze about. As a reward for doing my chores I got a blanket, nothing more.

I was shoved back into the basement obviously so I stood up on the table after I pushed it towards the window, looking out the window and resting my chin on my arms. I sighed, only being able to see trees and a little bit of what was left of the sunlight, watching the sky get dark and fill with stars.

Oh, how much I miss you, Eden. I hope you're alright...And safe. I miss you...

I jumped down from the table, lazily walking around the basement and even sneaking up the steps and peaking under the door. I saw no movement so I went back down and laid on the musty old mattress, messing with the pretty little coin with a huff of boredom that came back.


Aviritia's POV

I yelped out in pain, my arm stinging and burning as I sat up. I thought maybe it was my mother or father trying to wake me up as I looked at it. Nobody was around me as burns formed on my wrist. I was entirely alone as they formed, which confused me as I watched. I yelped more, cuts forming on my arm.

"I miss you" formed on my arm in Eden's perfect cursive handwriting but in cut form. I couldn't help but trace over the mark as I used the bits of light I had to look at it.

Zecira's spell...but doesn't it just work one way? Besides, the cuts take forever to heal. But then could be worth a try.

I looked around for anything to use to cut into my arm. Nothing, like usual. Sighing, I plopped down on the shitty mattress, flipping the gold coin around before seeing part of the broken table. It was sharp and would work for my arm so I took the blanket and whimpered as I cut a small little heart into my arm.

The heart slowly disappeared but I got a quick yet slow response from Eden, "I love you, Baby."

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