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Hello, all. I'm aware that many are going to skip over this and not read it, but I thank those who read this immensely. I'm writing this Disclaimer to inform everyone of the risks and benefits they have proceeding forward.

My books are not for the faint of heart, they can and will depict violence whether it be emotional, mental, nonsexual, physical, or sexual. This includes and is not limited to;

~ Abuse

~ Murder

~ Paranormal Activity

~ Rape/Sexual Assualt

~ Self-Harm

~ Suicide

~ Torture

~ And other forms of Traumatic Events

If you cannot handle such things I implore you not to read any of my works. Nothing is censored, nothing is ignored. This is in no way to glorify these things, either. It is simply to vent and/or give a story to the characters. The only things you will not find are certain slurs (N-Slur and R-Slur) as I am not only white and Neurodivergent but also firmly against those two slurs. I ask that you also refrain from using slurs anywhere in the comments. This will be your only warning. Any comments with slurs will be deleted, and anyone who continues to use them will be blocked.

Among my books are also things such as;

~ Eating Disorders


~ Mental Disorders

~ People of Color

~ Physical/Mental Disabilities

~ And More

Any form of LGBT-Phobia, Racism, Sexism, and so on will result in an immediate block. My profile and work are not a safe space for such vile hatred. This includes any form of argument, bullying/harassment, or judgment of others. If you can't open your heart and have an open mind, don't expect me to open mine.

There will also be Consensual BDSM and sexual nature. I write NONVERBAL CONSENT as I am somebody who has to speak through actions instead of words in the bedroom. This is because of trauma/abuse and severe mental disability so having characters in my books struggle with it as well is an outlet. It is clear what is Consent and what is not based on how the character acts and thinks in the moment of things. If you cannot tell then I beg of you to ASK instead of assume. Not everyone can give verbal consent, that does not automatically make such scenes rape or assault just because "Oh, I can give verbal consent. Therefore, everyone else can as well."

Please, PLEASE, read the comments!! I understand many have questions and concerns, but be aware you aren't the only one asking the same questions. I adore and love all the questions, but it gets tiring to repeat the same answers over and over...which has been done at least one hundred times. It is exhausting. However, I will make things easier to understand not only through adding more details in my works, but I will also make sections in the comments/sidebar, or at the end of the chapters to explain where I feel it may be needed. Those who raise questions in chapters will encourage me to fill out the answers to those concerns as well.

I'm not happy to have to mention this, but it has become apparent I have no choice; Don't steal my work. Don't use my work for your own or claim it as yours. I do not mind referencing or shoutouts but do not redistribute my books in any way, shape, or form. I have spent my life on these novels. All my characters and their stories are based upon real events I have gone through or that of those in my Diagnosed D.I.D Alter System. You are not only insulting and hurting us, but you are immensely disrespecting us and our means of escape. These books are our way to freedom. They are how we cope with our issues, but also share our world.

I also actively support any comments that are correcting Grammar, Punctuation, and/or Spelling! I do my writing and editing, and sometimes I miss things so it is immensely appreciated when others find errors for me to fix. I don't find these corrections annoying, insensitive, or rude at all. I love them, so don't be afraid! It truly does mean the world to me when Readers point out possible mistakes.

And Finally --- unless I possibly think of more to add here --- All my books are connected! You do not have to read all of them, but if ya enjoy one you may enjoy another, so I heavily encourage you to share the love! Please, don't be afraid to comment and share my works with those you feel may like to read them. Don't be afraid to ask questions and interact with me and other users as we (especially me) are actively communicating.

Thank you, again, to those who have read this. Thank you even more for all your encouragement, love, patience, and support in my novels. You all are truly amazing and I can't wait to further interact with you and give you more of my work! Please, stay safe. Stay hydrated! Lots of Love ~ Freakz

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