Chapter Nineteen

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Aviritia's POV

Eden dug one last part out of the little stream he and his uncle made that would fill the pool, the water streaming through the rocks that made it look like a waterfall, filling the pool slowly but gradually. The algae gleamed a bit from the movement of the water as it filled the pool.

He hugged me from behind, pulling me tightly to him and rocking me as he kissed my head delicately as I watched the pool fill up. Blueberry sniffed at the pool, pawing at the water before flicking her paw and hissing at it, flicking her tail and walking away with full sass in her movements.

I giggled before pushing Eden into the pool as I brought my attention back towards him. He squealed and splashed into the water, failing at trying to drag my body with his, "You little bitch!"

He pulled me in before I had time to escape, kissing and hugging me close as I laughed at him, allowing him to drag me in so he could at least have some "ego."

"We'll have to make another stream so that way the moving water can keep the algae growth at a minimum," Eden's Uncle spoke up from our fun, wiping off his hands as he shook his head at us messing around, "But we can worry about that tomorrow, it's getting pretty late."

Eden nodded, "Yeah, true, but I can worry about that. Your money is on the kitchen counter. Thank you so much for your help."

His uncle chuckled, shaking his head as he scrunched his nose, "I told you, I don't want your money."

"And I told you, I insist on paying you for your work. It doesn't feel right to not pay somebody for their hard work," Eden insisted, looking his uncle in the eyes.

His uncle chuckled more, letting out a sigh and heading for the house as he shook his head in defeat, "Alright, alright. I'll take the money."

I got out of the pool as he left with the cash, going into the house and getting some towels before stripping and using a towel to dry off. Eden was close behind and did the same with his own body, tying the towel around his hips as I went upstairs and got some clothes on.

Soon after, I crawled onto the bed and started cuddling Blueberry, her purring ringing through the air as her head rubbed against my hand before her torso fell onto the bed and stretched out to expose her belly.

Eden came up, his towel no longer covering him as he walked over to the bed, his entire body bare and exposed as he stepped over. I flushed, looking him over as he smirked, "Like what you see?"

I fluttered, turning away shyly, "W-W-Would you j-just get s-some clothes o-on?"

His laugh echoed through the room, his body getting back up and getting some boxers on before plopping back down onto the bed, his arms hugging his pillow and nuzzling me.

Blueberry jumped onto his back, curling into a ball and licking his skin. She continued to lick his flesh even when he rolled his shoulders to try and get her to stop, his face scrunching but accepting his fate, "That tickles."

I combed my fingers through Blueberry's fur as she stretched out on Eden's back, purring and falling asleep after she got all stretched out and comfy. Looking over to Eden, I saw that his eyes had closed and his breathing was very light as he slept.

"A-Awe," I whispered, gently pulling a blanket over him and Blueberry and kissing both of their heads, "S-So cute."


Aviritia's POV

I looked to Eden, his head buried into his pillow as he refused to wake up, nudging him to try and wake him up, "E-Eden, i-it's time to wake up."

He groaned, hiding under all the blankets and pillows and curling into a tight ball, hugging them tightly when I tried to pull them off of him as I repeated, "E-Eden, i-it's time to wake up!"

"Noooo," He whined out, trying to stay hidden under the blankets the more I tried to yank them off of him, "I don't want to get up."

I giggled, yanking as hard as I could on the blanket, finally getting it away from him as he groaned, shoving the pillow over his head. In response, I hopped onto his back and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, tickling his sides and abs, "W-Wakey wakey! U-Up, up, up!"

He squirmed as he laughed, still whining as I tickled more, "Nooo! No wakey time!"

In a last effort to win this battle, he turned over and layed on top of me, making me laugh as I tried to get him off, "G-Get off me, You Big Dope!"

He turned over on me, hugging me tight so I couldn't move as I struggled to get out of his grip, his chin resting on my chest as he kissed me sleepily. This time it was my turn to try and win so I bit as hard as I could on his bottom lip, drawing a lot of blood.

It was a bad move. Reacting, he punched me in the face, "Fuck, owe! What the hell?"

My eyes blurred as I held my face, whimpers and whines filling the room as I panicked and hid under the bed, my body vibrating in fear.

"N-No, no, no," Eden whined out, looking at me as I kept hiding when he reached for me, "No, no, no. B-Baby, I-I didn't mean it! I-I'm sorry, pl-please! Pl-Please, d-don't cry! Pl-Please, come out. I swear to you I did not mean to do it! G-God, I'm sorry. Pl-Please, come out?"

I stayed under the bed, trembling and trying to control the bleeding that gushed from my nose, keeping away from him as I whimpered. My nose really hurt.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!" He kept whimpering, getting up and hitting the wall as he tried to calm himself down. He forced himself out of the house and away from me, still whimpering curse words as I stayed under the bed and used my shirt for my nose.

Jonathan's shoes came up the stairs, his knees appearing on the floor and then his face coming into view as he held out his hand, "Aviritia, are you alright? Come on out so I can get you checked out by Lenora."

I stayed under the bed, moving further against the wall and hugging my knees as I shook my head, "N-N-No."

"It's alright, Aviritia. Nobody's going to hit you," Jonathan tried to reassure, wiggling his hand to me to try and get me to grab it, watching me as I turned away from him and started crying.

"I-It's my fault, th-though. I-I should've just left him alone. N-Now he's going to be t-too afraid to even hug me," I started to whimper, holding my head in my knees as I finally managed to get the stupid bleeding to stop. My nose still hurt as I kicked Jonathan's hand away from me when he tried to pull me out from under the bed.

"Aviritia, please, come--"



Aviritia's POV

A few hours passed...I think. The only person who came in repeatedly was Jonathan, not Eden. I stayed under the bed, my nose no longer bleeding completely...but it still hurt. I couldn't get a break from the tears, they just kept pouring out.

Graffiti hugged me from behind, comforting me as he pulled me out from under the bed. He was the one to finally succeed in touching me after all this time. My headache was pounding as he rocked me and cooed out, "Shh, it's alright."

He wiped my tears away, trying to calm me down and failing, "Aviritia, breathe. Breathe."

"I-I just want Eden," I whined, trying to hide back under the bed when I didn't see Eden anywhere. Graffiti held me tightly in his arms, rocking me and putting three fingers on my forehead.


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