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Aviritia's POV

Walking on the edge of the bridge, I thought about how it might be to jump as I balanced with my arms held out. It was kinda fun doing this, but I was more focused on jumping.

I had so many reasons to end it here as I sat on the cement, looking at the ground below as I swayed my feet.

But could I really jump? Would I actually jump? Would it hurt? Will it hurt? How far is the drop? How long will it take? Would jumping from this high kill me or will I survive? If I do survive will I be a cripple?

I cringed at the questions as I looked down at the pavement below, cars zooming into the shade of the bridge. Vroom, vroom! Zoom, zoom! Some were such a blur while others seemed like they didn't know of the damn gas pedal. Blacks, whites, tans, blues, oranges, a few yellows. Fords, Toyotas, Sedans, Mini vans, trucks, semis. All sorts of cars.

Nobody seemed to notice me up here. Nobody honked. Nobody slowed down. Nobody stopped. Nobody even looked up at me. I was a nobody. Nothing. A waste of space. Invisible. Even insects were more noticed than I was.

I sat on the ledge, thinking really hard about my choices. I looked at my hands, tears dripping onto my sweaty palms as I bit my pink polished nails into my white flesh, not caring if I drew blood. Why was this decision so difficult to make when it was easy this morning? Did I really want to die or was that just a quick thought?

"Hey, Kid! Get off that damn ledge before you end up doing something stupid!" A husky voice called out from behind me, causing me to jump. I started to scream, slipping from the ledge and starting to fall towards the deafening pavement below.

A strong hand grabbed my wrist so tight it felt like my bones may snap. I looked up, hyperventilating and crying hard. The whole realization of death became overwhelming as my eyes went wide.

"D-Don't let go," I pleaded as the man tried to pull me up, "Pl-Please, don't!"

"I wasn't planning on it," He grunted as he pulled me back onto the ledge, his ribcage lifting off the cement I was once sitting on as he lifted me to wear I could reach.

I grabbed onto the ledge, helping him get me up by lifting my body weight as best as I could...I wasn't exactly the best with arm-hangs, though. A blush came upon my cheeks as his hand gripped my ass to pull me up the rest of the way, my body struggling to not freeze up from the action even though it was simply just to help me up. I went over the ledge and onto the road, panting hard as my feet dropped onto the ground under them after my legs swung back over the ledge.


"What the hell were you thinking?!" I looked at my white converse, fighting tears and staying quiet. His tone made my throat swell up and my tensity sky rocket, "Answer me, dammit!"

I flinched, starting to tremble and taking a step away from him. I was too afraid to answer. I closed my eyes tight, preparing to get hit, hoping and praying to not get hit. Nothing happened.

A hand gently landed upon my shoulder, another lifted my chin and caressed my cheek ever so gently.

"Open your eyes," A gentle voice cooed out, causing me to look at the man. "I'm not going to hurt you. Just tell me where you live and I'll take you home. But I better not catch you back on that damned ledge."

The man seemed to look so different now that he wasn't so harsh and cruel sounding. He almost seemed a way. His icy blue eyes were now sparkling and seemed to be so gentle and caring. A small smile upon his lips showed bright white teeth underneath and the wind blew his slick black hair. The sun shined on the back of his leather jacket and black skinny jeans.

But none of that got me to calm down. His words only made panic rise, "I-I don't want to go home. I-I can't go home."

"Then let me take you somewhere else, until you're settled down," I didn't move as he got onto his black motorcycle, his head turning towards me as he nodded towards the seat, "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. Get on."

He tossed me a helmet, chuckling when I stammered to catch it and watching as I almost dropped it. I slowly put it on, hesitating before getting onto the bike and holding onto him tightly as it started moving.

It seemed like we were driving for hours and hours. So many trees and houses we passed. So many cars I didn't recognize. So many people that I didn't know. Where were we? Were we still in town or did it just feel like forever because of my fear and dreadful tiredness? I needed some rest..

I came out of my thoughts to us finally coming upon a small hut as he parked by a tree, his voice delicately calm, "This is where I live."


He chuckled at my somewhat judgemental tone of voice, "It's small, but it's home. Come on in."

I watched him roll the bike into a little hidey hole and then followed him into the hut. a small couch laid by the door and he sat on it. Well, more like laid on it with a big PLOP!

"H-How old are you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as I realized he looked a lot younger than he did earlier. The bright sun made him appear more in his late twenties but now he looked like he was a teenager.

"Nineteen, you?"


He seemed surprised, "Damn, I thought you were older."

I let out a soft giggle, then blushed. Usually people mistake me as younger because of my face. Some often mistake me as a girl, too.

"Why don't you come and sit?" He asked, sitting up and making space on the cough. I slowly sat by him as he smiled, "Would you like anything to drink?"

I shook my head, looking around. I wasn't thirsty as I hugged myself, staying quiet on feeling cold. A small flush landed on my cheeks as he took off his leather jacket and put it around me, "T-Thank you."

"So, what's your name?"

I looked at him, nervously replying in a small voice, "A-Aviritia."

"Let me guess, you were named after the Seven Deadly Sins?" He chimed with a smile. He seemed a little fond of knowing such a topic, kinda like a boy who gets the correct answer when the teacher calls on him and he gets a gold star sticker to take home to his parents.

I looked at my hands, nodding quietly as I fidgeted with my fingers, "Y-Yes, after Greed. It-It's Latin."

"I think that's pretty cool if you ask me. My name's Eden."

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