Chapter Twenty-Five

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Aviritia's POV

I stretched, hugging Eden as we got out of Jonathan's car, too tired to walk on my own, "R-Remind me again about why you had to w-wake me up at three o'clock i-in the morning?"

Eden yawned along with me, "Yeah, John, why the hell did you wake us up?"

"Oh, quit complaining and come on," Jonathan put me onto his back as I stumbled, knowing if I went onto Eden he'd just fall over. We were both just too damn tired. I rested my head on Jonathan's shoulder as he continued, "They're releasing a new Android so I'm going to get Aviritia one so he doesn't have to use mine when he needs something."

"B-But I don't know how to--...Zzz."


Aviritia's POV

Jonathan laid me down on Eden's bed, waking me up a bit as he did so, "H-Hmm...?"

He pulled the blanket over me, tucking me in and nuzzling me close to Eden's sleeping body as he chuckled at us both, "Sh, it's alright. Go back to sleep."

"Mmm...m-mhm," I nuzzled into Eden more, closing my eyes and falling back to sleep without argument.


Aviritia's POV

I watched Eden put random numbers into the phone Jonathan got me, then put names with them...I believe they're known as contacts...? I don't remember.

He showed me what to do and what not to do, and added a few games onto it for me to play with, pulling me into his arms as I hugged him, thanking him for helping me even though I just wanted him.

"I have a question," He chuckled out, bringing my attention towards him, "How is it that you know how to use a laptop but not a phone?"

"M-My mother had a laptop wh-when I was little a-and I would sneak onto it wh-when she was sleeping. Sh-She started locking me up i-in the basement after sh-she found out," I hid in his chest, nuzzling into him as he kissed my head and rested his chin on top of it.

"Ah, that makes sense...I think."

I giggled as I held onto him, "Y-You're a dork."

He picked me up, carrying me to the bed and laying me down before laying on top of me, resting his head onto my chest, "I was thinking of getting a TV."

I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows, "I-I thought you didn't like watching TV."

He chuckled, kissing my lips and grinning at me, "I don't, but I can get use to it as long as I have you."

"C-Can we afford it?" I flushed at him. He always spends so much on me and insists that I don't have to pay him back even though I desperately want to.

He pecked my lips a second time, then did the same to my nose before rubbing noses with me, "Let me worry about that, alright?"


Eden's POV

I leaned against my wrist, holding my chin in my hand as I flipped through the papers in front of me.

"C-Can we afford it?"

That frequently asked question always made me grin and made my heart skip a beat. How little Aviritia knew about the finances really was adorable.

John sat with me on the grass, Graffiti joining Aviritia in the splash pad we found while driving, "Paying bills?"

I gave John a nod, chuckling out as I leaned back against my hands, "He asked if I could afford to spoil him, again."

What I said made him chuckle along with me as I watched Graffiti dunk a cup of water on Aviritia's head.

"You know you're going to have to tell him eventually, right?" He looked over to me, giving a nodding motion to Aviritia, "Can't keep everything hidden."

I took a swig of my Pepsi, lifting my right knee into the air and resting my right arm on it, swirling the liquid in the glass bottle and watching it, "Yeah, but it's pretty cute hearing the question asked in the little voice he gives. 'C-Can we afford it?' It never gets old. If I tell him about the bloodline that question may stop being asked."

"Are you really afraid of that or are you afraid he may turn out like the rest and abuse his power over you?" John asked, getting up and backing up, heading back over to join in the fun, "He's good for you, E. He's constantly worried about you when you're not around. I highly doubt he's going to change when he finds out you've got a filled pocket."

"It's not him I'm worried about," I mumbled, he was too far to hear but I was saying it more to myself as I took another sip of my drink and looked back at my papers, "It truly isn't."

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