Chapter 35

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Attention Every One Y'all go read my Friends book, it's called This Game Called Life by YounginTrillz Read Her Storyyy ‼️‼️‼️


"TASHAY!!!, have you lost your dam-darn mind? Clean this room right now if you want to go home with me.

Tashay- yes daddy.

And with that she started cleaning her room. She know I don't play with that shit. After she was all done she grabbed her nike bag and pack some of her outfits that I'm guessing Riah laid out. After she was all done I told her to apologize to Riah for giving her a hard time. I don't like playing the mean guy but she gone have to learn.


I waited till Tashay apologize to Riah before we head out. After she apologized I strapped my baby girl in her car seat and went straight to my hotel room not before going to Walmart to buy snacks for Tashay since she does have school. I didn't take that long on buying snacks. Once I got home I unbuckled Tashay and led her outside the door. In the corner of my eye I seen a black on black truck rolling down they window showing me they glock. I pulled Tashay towards me and covered her with every inch of my body until I felt like she was safe. Bullets were just flying hitting my back and arm. I held it in until these fuck niggas were done shooting. I seen my life flash in front of me and boom I was knocked out cold.


I was now getting up from my nap when I felt a vibration from my phone letting me know I got a incoming call. I didn't even waste time to pick it up all I heard was Deja yelling for me to take my ass to the hospital because Q been shot. My heart just stopped. He was just at our house with TASHAY. Is Tashay alright? I should've never let him moved out even though he did me dirty. All these questions just made me burst out crying while grabbing my Chanel bag and slipping on my nike slides. I sped down to Jackson hospital. Once I arrived their I ran to the nurse asking her to give me information about Quoncey Wright.

Nurse- sorry m'am I'm going to need you to take a seat because he's in surgery.

"I bit my bottom lip and ask her what about Tashay Prince?"

Nurse- the doctor is checking her out. He'll be with you when he's done.

I couldn't even hold in my pain I just cried and cried until Deja hugged me letting me know everything is going to be ok. My fucking baby daddy/ the love of my life is fighting for his life and my sister is possibly injured. Lord what can I do for you to help me get pass this?

Cam- Riah he a fighter he gone pull through Ight.

"I just nodded my head because I couldn't find the voice to respond back. WHY DOES EVERYONE I LOVE GETS HURT?"

6 Hours Later

Doctor- Family Of Tashay Prince?

"Right here"

Doctor- Tashay is perfectly fine. She just had a panic attack due to the amount of blood lost Mr Wright Lost. She's a very strong girl and smart too. She the one who called 911 without her smartness Mr. Wright wouldn't be alive right now. You may go ahead and see her for a small period of time because she needs to rest, she had a long stressful day.

"Thank you so much doctor"

And with that I walked off with Deja and Cam tagging along right behind me. My baby girl called 911 for Q. God sent me a sign letting me know he's protecting Tashay and Q from the devil. I found fat girl room and she was laid up on a bed with a hospital gown on watching tv. A teared escaped my eye and I gave her a warm smiled. It seem like she didn't even get hurt from the shooting. I'm glad she safe

I need my man to wake up

I can't raise this baby by my own.

Even though Q did me wrong I still have love for him.

God please protect Q


I stayed at the hospital with Tashay waiting to hear information about Q. Of course mama Joy came and stayed with me. We prayed and shed some tears. A few hours later A doctor approached us stating news about Q.

Doctor- Quoncey has been shot 8 times. 5 on the back 3 on the arm. We were successful from removing all 8 of the bullets. Mr. Wright is in a coma due to blood lost. We are putting him on life support to see if he would get better anytime soon. All we can do is wait until he's awake.

And with that he walked away. Life support? COMA? 8 bullets? Who the hell would do some shit like that? Let alone know he was with a child with him? Whoever it is you just started war.


Fuck with my feeling I'll fuck with your life Q.


Late update but hey it's still a update y'all lol I had to make a little drama in their.

Who Shot Q man???

Tashay so SMART. She may have her attitudes but she ain't dumb !!!

Mysterious POV?? Who df can thus person be? Lol



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