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"You okay?" Daniel asked staring at Brian. He had walked in and stood for awhile wondering when the bassist would realize his presence.

"Oh hyung. I didn't know you came back.." He sat up from his slouching position and looked at the doctor. "Where's Jae?"

"Resting. Don't worry though he's fine. The stitches from the last ear operation he had came off so it tore open."

"That must've hurt."

"You look more hurt than him."

"Nah, I'm good. It's just.. I feel I some how caused this." Brian sounded disheartened as he spoke.

"Did something happen?"

"Well we had a fight and I kinda went too strong on him. I pushed him and he fell hitting his head."

"It's not your fault. He said it happened before."

"I aggravated it this time."

"You wanna go see him?" Daniel smiled to cheer him up.

"Sure." Brian answered following him out of the office.

"Hyung." Brian whispered holding Jae's hand, he was getting teary eyed.

"Gosh don't be so dramatic. It wasn't a major surgery." Jae answered smiling as he held his hand tight. "Let me sleep for an hour then we can leave."

"Isn't it better to sleep at home in case the others end up showing up today."

"Just an hour." Jae said and slowly shut his eyes.

Brian turned to the window and the tears fell.
"So what did you do when I was gone?" Jae asked on their ride back home.


"Oh right. You have my phone. Can I have it?"

"Sure." Brian replied giving it to him. "Since when have you and jeongyeon been close?"


"Forever. You've been close since forever?"


"That's cool..." Brian responded looking the other way.

"Why are you so concerned about her?"

"Just cause."

"Just cause what?"

"You seem like you like her."

Jae didn't answer he just smiled.

"Wait do you?!" Brian asked grabbing his arm.

"I don't know. And bro don't yell. My ears are still a bit sensitive."

"Oh I'm sorry." He brought his voice down and went back to his sad mood.

When they were dropped off at their apartment Brian took Jae upstairs and told him he was heading back out.

"I'll be at the roof if you need me."

"Let's go together."

"You need to rest."

"I did already."

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