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"When will he wake up?"

"He should be up in a bit." Daniel replied to Brian's question while he checked off a couple of things on the clipboard he was holding.

Jae had something in his ear that made him look pathetic and Brian became even more worried.

"I'll go out for a walk Hyung." Brian put on his hat and glasses and headed outside. He couldn't get his mind off what he told Jae. It was just gonna be awkward now with him. What happens when they see his crush? Even if he hadn't told Jae her name he could already imagine the scenario and how shy he would be.

Right at that moment he got a text from Wonpil: where are you guys? JYP is coming over. Hurry up!

He texted back: didn't you cover for us at practice? He should know we're not with you guys.

Wonpil: there wasn't practice today. We got a free day off! Just hurry up hyung.

Brian rushed back to the room and thankfully Jae was sitting up on the bed when he arrived.

"Hyung let's go." He dashed in. "Let's go. Let's go." He held Jae's hand attempting to pull him up but then let go so he could get his shoes from the doorway. He placed it on the floor for him to put his feet inside. "We have to be back at the dorm in atleast 30 minutes. Hyungnim is coming over!"

"Wait Young k." Daniel interrupted. "He might feel dizzy for a while. You have to be patient with him."

"Oof. Uh we actually need a ride back. Can you drop us off?"


The two guys helped Jae up and hurried out of the room. Brian put up Jae's hoodie to protect his identity.

The boys got back in time but they still had to face the biggest trial: Sungjin's questions.

"Where did you guys go? Wait why didn't you tell me? Why do I have to hear from Wonpil that you guys left early? What do you see me as? How can I be accountable for you if something happens? Answer me!"

"Hyung calm down." Brian pleaded. Hearing all that wasn't the best thing for Jae's condition at that moment but he couldn't tell Sungjin to be quiet.

"I'm going inside." Jae said putting his hand up in a waving manner. "Brian follow me."

"JAE." sungjin called after him. "I wasn't done-"

"Hyung I'm sorry." Brian said with a bow and followed Jae to their room.

As Brian walked in, Jae told him to shut the door.

"This whole thing is between me and you. I'm gonna go wash up before Hyungnim gets here."

"Alright. Hyung do you need that?" He asked pointing at the cotton-like object in the older one's ear.

"Yeah for the next few days. Don't worry. I'll just have my hoodie or a beanie on at all times."

"I'll be with the others if you're looking for me." He said with a smile. He started touching his face when Jae wouldn't stop staring at him. "Is there something on my face ?"

"Sorry about yesterday." The older one gave him a hug as he spoke softly. "I was so upset and stressed out." He squeezed him tightly and finally let go after taking a deep breath.

Brian felt embarrassed for some reason so he just left the room without responding.

JYP arrived shortly and the boys all gathered in the living room of their apartment.

"I wanted to discuss your schedule for the next couple of days, but first. Your manager decided to move out instead of living with you guys and he won't be in Seoul for a while." 


JYP wrapped things up with them and asked to speak to Jae alone. The members especially Brian were reluctant to leave the two. He lingered around saying he had lost a guitar pick a while ago.

"You don't look too good. Are you okay?" JYP asked.

"I'm fine. I just need to sleep." Jae responded stealing glances at Brian who was doing the same to him.

"Today you had nothing to do, you should've slept as much as you wanted." JYP noticed the glance-stealing act that was going on and began to feel uncomfortable.

"I should've," Jae repeated.

"Anyway, we never completed our talk about your request."

"Oh about that..." He looked at Brian one more time and widened his eyes as a way to tell him to leave. When the younger one followed instructions he turned back to the CEO, "You can forget about it. I don't want it anymore."

"Alright and.. you guys are just weird." JYP got up and walked over to the door but then he stopped. "Oh right I forgot to say it, you guys might end up having to carpool a few times with another group until I can get someone to drive you around." 

"Which group?"

"Whoever has a big enough van. It's just for a few days. Let Sungjin know."

"Alright hyungnim." Jae also stood up to see him out. He followed him until they got to the elevator then he bowed and said goodbye.

Jae hurried back into their apartment and went to Sungjin's room where all the members had been waiting for him.
Thanks for reading! <3

bahahha the real q is what does it mean to cover for a person at practice ¿¿

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