Chapter 22

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“I hope no one pulls April Fools pranks on me,” Georgiana says as we have breakfast, “I am way too stressed to put up with it right now.”

I glance over at the Gryffindor table. Alicia and Angelina are there, but the boys haven't arrived yet.

“Why don't you just talk to them?” Georgiana asks, following my gaze. I frown at her.

“Look, why don't you just say 'Happy Birthday' in passing?” she says, “that way you don't have to talk to them for long and they'll know that you want to talk to them.”

I stir my porridge, thinking about this. My thoughts are interrupted by the Gryffindor table bursting into applause. I look up and see the twins entering with Lee. They're both grinning, but looking a little embarrassed. Angelina and Alicia start singing Happy Birthday and the whole house joins in.

“Show offs,” I mutter half heartedly as the twins sit down and people lean over to wish them happy birthday. Georgiana rolls her eyes at me.

“Yeah, we're all convinced that you don't like them,” she says sarcastically, “come on, time for Charms. You can wish them happy birthday on the way out.”

“I don't want to.”

“Fine, I will, then,” she says. I follow her along, praying she won't actually do it, despite knowing in my gut that she will. As we're approaching where the twins are sitting I catch Angelina's eye and raises her eyebrows at me, then glances at the twins. I feel my cheeks heat up, realising what Georgiana has done. If she stops to say happy birthday, I'll have to say it too, or else I'll look rude and snobby. Georgiana draws up to the twins when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Lucas hurrying to catch up with me.

“Hey,” he says, “look, umm, you clearly haven't picked up on my flirting the last couple of weeks, and I'll confess, that's mostly my fault, so I'll just say it... Will you go out with me?”

I stare at him in utter shock. He's watching me hopefully. There's not a sound in the whole Hall.

“It would be great if you said yes, because otherwise I'm going to look like a complete idiot,” he says with a nervous laugh. I glance sideways at the Gryffindors. They're all staring at, waiting. I start to feel my stomach tighten and my palms sweat. My eyes are tingling and I know I'm about to lose it. Talk about putting someone on the spot.

Luckily, Georgiana seems to sense my impending meltdown.

“She'll get back to you,” she says, grabbing my arm and dragging me away. I stumble out of the Great Hall and she leads me into a broom cupboard.

“Breathe,” she instructs, “deep breaths, come on.”

I take a few shaky breaths and slide down onto the floor. A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away impatiently.

“What is wrong with him?” I ask. My voice is trembling. Georgiana hands me her handkerchief.

“He likes you,” she says, sitting opposite me, “and in his defence, he has been trying subtly for the last couple of weeks.”

“But why does he like me?” I ask, “he doesn't even know me!”

“You're kinda cute, I guess,” Georgiana shrugs, “in the right light.”

I laugh and roll my eyes.

“I don't want to go out with him,” I tell her, “I want to go out with George.”

I bite my lip, trying in vain to hold the tears back. Georgiana looks at me sympathetically.

“I know you do,” she says, “you need to tell Lucas you're not interested, it's not fair to string him along.”

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