Chapter 53

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"Darling, are you sure you have your tickets?" Mum asks me for the twelfth time.

"Yes," I say absentmindedly. I really have no idea. I'm just too nervous to check in case I don't. George squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"And you remember which train to catch?"


"And Uncle Darius will meet you at the Romanian station."

"I know."

Mum sighs and fusses over my hair.

"Do you have that package from mum for Charlie?" George asks. I nod mutely.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Mum asks anxiously.

"For heavens sake, stop fussing," Dad says, "she'll be fine. Aurelia, if you don't get on the boat soon, it'll leave without you."

I hug Mum, then Dad, then turn to George. He's looking far too cheerful. I burst into tears.

"Hey," he says softly, holding me close, "you'll be fine. You'll be back in three months for Christmas!"

"I know," I sniff, wiping my eyes, "I love you."

He kisses me hard.

"I love you too," he says. The boat horn sounds and I jump, hastily gathering up my bags. I hurry onto the boat and turn around, waving as we pull out of the dock. I wave until my arm is aching and they've disappeared in the fog, then I sigh deeply, pull myself together and go to find a seat.

The trip across the Channel doesn't take very long, but then from the French port we have to take a train up through Germany to Berlin, then get on another train that goes down to Austria through the Czech Republic then another train which will go through Hungary and into Romania. Once we reach Bucharest my Uncle will pick me up and I will stay with him for one night before continuing my journey to the sanctuary. 

While crossing the Channel I learn that I get sea sick. I spend most of the trip leaning over the side and battling feelings of regret.

By the time we arrive in France I'm feeling very low and am ready to sit somewhere and cry. I find my train and climb aboard, feeling very grateful that Mum and Dad insisted on a private compartment. It's not very big, it has a small bed and an even smaller desk, but it's private and once I have all my luggage stowed away, I lie down on the bed and have a good cry.

After I've had my cry I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, lulled by the gentle rocking of the train. I wake hours into the trip and look out the window to see the night sky whizzing past. I get into bed properly and doze off again for another few hours.

We reach Berlin and despite barely being half way, I am sick of travelling. I'd apparate if I knew where to apparate to. I gather my bags up and struggle out onto the platform. I have an hour to find my train, which I thought would be enough time, but I didn't count on there being no signs in English and no one who could speak English. I stumble around for a long time, before finding an older man whose English was good enough that he could understand "Please help, I'm lost." Between the two of us, we found the right train two minutes before it was due to depart.

I find my compartment and sit down. I watch the scenery flashing past and think of home. Already it's so far away. I think of George, all those miles away and tears spring into my eyes.

"Stop it, Aurelia," I mutter to myself, "crying won't help anyone."

I shake myself and get out one of the dragon books I purchased recently. I sit back and force myself to read.

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