Chapter 73

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"Mum and Dad are delighted that we had a vampire," I say, folding their letter up and looking over to where George is cradling Aurora.

"Are they coming to visit?" he asks, as I hold my arms out for her.

"No, not until we're back home," I say, taking my daughter, "I told them I don't want to see them yet."

"Don't worry," George says, "just look at her. She's so beautiful."

A healer knocks and pokes his head in.

"You have visitors," he says, "shall I let them in?"

"That'll be Mum and Dad," George says, "and... Probably everyone else."

"Yeah, it's fine," I tell the healer. He disappears and I look down at Aurora. She's a little over one day old and adorable. She has chubby cheeks, thick, black curls and tiny little fangs. Right now she's sleeping, but when she opens her eyes, they're black and sparkly. When she yawns her nose crinkles up and her eyebrows get all arched.

The door opens and a flood of red heads rushes in.

"Oh, she's beautiful!" Mrs Weasley says, leaning over to look at her, "what did you name her?"

"Aurora Charlotte Hope Weasley," George says proudly.

"I claim first hold," Fred says, stepping passed his father and holding his arms out.

"Just hold her neck," I say, "and keep one arm under her. Here, let me show you-"

"I've done this before," he says, taking her from me, "see?"

She stirs and looks up at Fred. I quickly take her back.

"She can't bite you," I say, "it'll kill her if she drinks your blood."

"Aurelia, she's fine," George says, "she can't bite yet."

I hand her back to Fred reluctantly, hovering over them.

"She has your ears," Fred says, "and your looming presence."

"She's a new mother," Mrs Weasley admonishes, "she's meant to be nervous and protective."

I grow increasingly edgy as she's passed around and don't relax until she's safely back in my arms. The family says goodbye and promises to visit once we're home and settled in.

"You were really nervous, huh?" George asks as I lay Aurora on the bed to change her.

"I just don't want anyone to hurt her," I say, as her fingers curl around one of mine. George kisses me on the cheek.

"Let me," he says. I hesitate, then let him finish changing her.

"You won't ever hurt her, will you?" I ask him. He looks at me, shocked and a little angry.

"Of course not, not on purpose," he says, picking her up and holding her to his chest, "why would you even ask that?"

"Well, my parents did," I say, "I don't want her to be afraid of us like I was of them."

"She won't be," George says, "we won't be getting a piranha tank anytime soon."


We go home a few days later and the next weekend my parents come to visit. Both of them are enamored with Aurora. I won't let either of them hold her yet, but that doesn't stop them from cooing from afar, or stop dad from hurrying out of the room to hide his crying.

We fall into a routine with her quickly and she grows, hitting all her milestones, until she's six months old and it's time for me to go back to work. My first day I take her to The Burrow and I'm full of nerves about leaving her. I have a detailed schedule for Molly as well as all her favourite toys.

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