Dylan dauzat imagines

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~ setting out blankets and pillows in the basement for yours and Dylan's movie marathon. Dylan was bringing over movies and once he got to your house, together you would be driving to the corner store to get some goodies.

Just as you set up the last few blankets, you hear the front door open and close.
And since your the best girlfriend in the world, you decide to scare him. As Dylan walks down the stairs, you stand next to the door, hidden. As soon as Dylan walks in through the door, you yell "BOO" you scream. Dylan being the man he is, squeals like a girl and trips and face plants into the blankets.
You laugh so hard you fall to the ground crying. Dylan stands up and starts laughing too.
After about 5 minutes if laughter, you and Dylan go upstairs to get your coat and shoes on for the store.

After a 5 minute drive, Dylan pulls into the parking lot of the store. You and Dylan hop out and have a race to the door like children. When you win, Dylan pouts and you can't help but kiss those adorable cheeks.

After your little junk food spending, you come back to the car with 10 bags of candy, 5 bags of dill pickle chips, Arizona tea and chocolate. Dylan also decide that Taco Bell is needed for this movie marathon.

After Taco Bell, you are set for home. Once you get home, Dylan goes into the bathroom to change into his pyjamas and you get changed into your bedroom. When you come out and go downstairs, Dylan is wearing plaid pj bottoms and a v-neck. Your wearing fuzzy duck pj bottoms and one of Dylan's shirts he left one time. "Babe you look really good in my shirts.. Wear them all the time" Dylan says as he winks at you.

By the end of the night, you both had eaten all the candy and chocolate and you only had one bags of chips.
It was one of the best dates ever. Not having to dress up to go into public.
It was now 2am and you and Dylan were cuddling. You were lying on his chest and his arm was around you. You were getting sleeping listing to the beat of his heart and him twirling your hair in his fingers . Yep. This was the best date in the world.

Dylan dauzat  imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now