Chapter Seventeen.

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“Well, he’s going to have to find out how to.” I heard Abigail says from behind the door. I heard her feet coming forward behind the door, but before she could see if I was eavesdropping, I ran towards the door and went outside.

I didn’t know how I felt; she didn’t want to be here with me? She wants to leave and go live with her abusive dad? Is this her way of rejecting me? I leaned on the railing of the porch and gripped down on it, angry again. Why is she being stubborn?

The thought of her not wanting to be here pissed me off more than I thought. No, I’m not letting her go back there. I don’t care if she likes it or not, she’s not going back. Just getting madder, I jumped off the porch and landed on the ground on all fours and shifted into my wolf, my boxers ripping in the process, and I ran into the woods. I was feeling uncomfortable, meaning he wanted to get out.

If I have to keep Abigail locked up in the room she's in, I will. I refuse to let her go. Not because she’s my mate, but because no one should live like that. Sure, my dad is a little hard, but he’s my dad and dads do that with boys. He treats Lena like she’s some little princess. And at least I know he loves all of us.

Abigail’s dad made it clear he hates Abigail. He has no love for her. Why would she want to go back to the man that’s hurting her? Abigail’s never going back there. But crap, she has her stuff there. She needs that stuff for school. Stopping, I turned towards the direction of Abigail’s house. I’m not letting her go back there.

I came up to her house in easily five minutes and I changed back into my human formed. I walked over to the tree to her bedroom window.

Of course I just couldn’t go up to the door and ask her mom for Abigail’s backpack. One, I’m stark naked. And second, that’s just a laughable thought. I climbed up the tree and moved onto the thick branch. I put my hands on the window and looked to see if it was un-locked. It was. Pressing my fingers against the window firmly, I hauled the window up. Another good thing about being a wolf is you have good strength. The window opened enough for me to slip my hands under and I raised the window more.

I slipped in through the window and looked around Abigail’s room. I'd seen her room before, but never been inside. It feels depressing. She didn't have much in it; a normal twin size bed, a tall dresser, a normal size TV, and a few cloths lying here and there. The walls were plan white, nothing special. I looked around for her backpack, but I didn’t see if. Crap, I muttered to myself.

Clearing my head, I listened to the sounds around the house. I heard only one source of breathing and it sounded like a female. I walked over to the door quietly and opened the door. The hall was a normal wooden floors and white walls. I stepped out, but winced and made a face when the floor squeaked. Softly as I could, I continued on my way until I was over at the steps and cursed when the steps were even louder, but I heard Abigail’s mother snoring to be the same, so if all this squeaking isn’t waking her up, I should be fine.

When I got to the button of the stairs, I was taken back to see Abigail’s father lying on the couch. He was shirtless and I saw the gauze around where I bite him no more than a couple of hours ago. A small glass cup and a bottle of vodka was on the coffee table and his left arm and leg where dangling over the edge of the couch. Dude's probably so drunk; he’s probably in a deep sleep.

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