Tee fucking Hee..

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((BEST NAME EVER!! It has nothing to do with the chapter..))

Jason's POV

The next day, we made the girls our slaves. They brought us drinks, our food and many other things. The rest didn't ask questions. "Now.." Jerome said. We were all in the backyard. "How much more do we have to do?" Max asked. Me and Jerome looked at each other. "We'll see." Jerome said. Taylor said standing by the pool. I grinned. I slowly walked over to her and pushed her into the pool. She screamed and landed into the pool. The rest of the guys came outside when they heard Taylor scream. "JASON!" She yelled. "Teehee.." I said. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" She yelled. She was really mad. "Calm down Taylor!" Dani said. "CALM DOWN?! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT THERE MAKING US DO?!" Taylor yelled. "What are you talking about?" Mitch asked. "Something we should tell you about." Jerome said. I looked at him. "Please don't!" Max begged. "I think we should tell them." Ashley said. Ally and Max looked at her. "It was a dumb idea and they should know." Katie said. "B-But.." Max said. I turned to the guys. "If we tell you.. would you freak out?" I asked. Mitch crossed his arms across his chest. "Depends on what it is." He said. I sighed. "I'll tell them. It was my idea." Max said. "It was mine too.." Ally said. "Well.. You know how we went on that 'girls night' yesterday?" Ally asked. They all nodded. "Have you heard of Club Ice? That club across town?" Max asked. They nodded. "Well, we took the girls there but we told them not to get any drinks." Ally said. "But.. they ended up having some drinks.." Max said. "And they got drunk.." Ally said. There was a silence. "And Jason and Jerome were at the club and saw us.." Max said. "But we didn't know they were there." Ally said. "And they blackmailed us.." Max said. There was more silence. "..Wow.." Bodil said. "Were sorry and we know that it was stupid." Max said. "I always thought it was a bad idea.." Ashley said. I looked at the group. Most of the guys stood in shock. Adam shook his head and Mitch.. "Where's Mitch?" I asked. Everyone looked around. Mitch was no where in sight.

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