Hanging out with Katie

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Taylor's POV

We got to Katie's house and walked inside. A little dog ran up to us. "Awwww." I said. "Flufferman!" Katie said. "Flufferman?" I asked. "I like that name.." I added. She smiled at me. We walked into her living room and the little dog followed. Two adults were sitting in thee. "Mom, Dad. This is my friend, Taylor." Katie said. Her parents looked at us. "Hello! You can call me Kayla." Her mom said. "I'm Carl." Her dad said. I waved at them. We walked up to her room. Flufferman didn't follow this time. We sat on her bed and talked. She does like Team crafted so that's how she knew who I was.. "So.. Mitch hit Jason?" She asked me. I nodded. "But you love him! He should be alright with this!" She said. I nodded. "Now.. Why WAS he in your bed?" She asked me. I sighed. "Last night, I feel asleep on Jason's shoulder. I guess he carried me up to my room but when he was leaving, I told him not to leave.." I said. She nodded. "So.. You told him to climb in yo bed?!" She asked. "I guess so.." I said. We started laughing about how she said that. "Wanna sleepover tonight?" She asked me. I nodded. "I-I need to tell my parents though.." I said. I grabbed her phone and dialed my number. "Hello?" A voice said. It was Adam. "H-Hi.." I said. "Taylor?" He asked. "Yes, It's me. I am staying at a friends house tonight.. I will be going to school tomorrow." I said. "But where are you?!" He asked. "Friends house.. Ok bye." I said. I hung up. Katie walked back into the room. "They said it's ok for you to stay here." She said. I nodded. "Wait.. what about clothes?" She asked me. "I would let you wear mine but I'm pretty small.." She said. I nodded. She looked small for a 15 year old. "I have a plan.." I said. "What?" She asked. "My room was a window right next to a huge tree.." I said. Her eyes widened. "You want to sneak into your house?!" She asked. I nodded. "We gonna be ninjas." I said. She grinned. "Let's do dis." She said.

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