Chapter Eighty Nine

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has read this book through from the beginning to the end.  I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


The following Saturday, having already bought every conceivable thing that a dog could want, Clare took the children back to the dog rescue centre to collect Buster and take him home. Today, Sonia was not on duty and another lady called Nadia took them to Buster.

"As you can tell, he has responded very well to the treatment." Nadia said, as she opened up the cage.

"Look mummy!" said Adam. "Doesn't he look better?" Buster came straight up to Adam and licked his face, all the time wagging his tail. His beige coloured coat had grown back, thick and strong and his black ears were now as soft as velvet.  He was now in a remarkably good condition.

"Wow!" said Clare, as she patted him. "He looks like a different dog!"

"We will tell you which dog shampoo to buy, so that this doesn't happen again. Allergic reactions can be dangerous." said Nadia.

Clare signed the paperwork and then they were able to take Buster home.

"Do you think daddy will like him?" Maryann said to Adam as they were playing with the dog in the family area.

"Yes, of course he will." Adam replied.

"But daddy won't like him if he bites him." said Maryann.

Clare laughed.

"No one is going to like him if he bites them are they? But don't worry Maryann, Buster won't bite anybody."

"If he bites me, I'll bite him back." said Maryann.

* * * * * * * *

Alan stood looking out of the window of his tiny bedroom at the Theological College, praying.

"Oh Lord, if this is right for me, why is it so difficult? I really thought this is where I should be. Please make it easier. Or, perhaps if I shouldn't be here at all, then you need to let me know." Alan glanced at his watch and made his way to his first lecture of the day.

It seemed that the other students were enjoying the course and he was the only one who wasn't. He missed his job as an accountant, never having realised how much he had loved it and how easy he found it. He was finding the work at college difficult and studying gave him endless headaches, although, so far he hadn't had a migraine.

In the classroom, as the lecturer told the class facts and figures, Alan's mind wandered. His thoughts went to Clare, Adam and Maryann. He missed them so much, it was hard to think straight. Then suddenly a large black spot appeared in front of his eyes. He tried to blink it away, but it wouldn't go. The lecturer started to ask questions and the students answered. As Alan looked around the room, zig zag lights began to flash in his eyes. He shut them tight.

"Alan, what are your views on the subject?" the lecturer asked.

Alan opened his eyes. The lights continued to flash.

"I'm sorry, I feel ill." he said, standing to his feet. "I'll have to go." He made his way to the door and stumbled back to his room. There he took some migraine tablets and then threw himself onto his bed to sleep the pain away.

Alan stayed in bed for the whole of that day with only water to drink. The following day he dressed, but still felt very washed out and didn't go down to lectures. At 11 am that morning there was a knock on his door. There was a message from the college Principal, John Morgan, that he wanted to see him; now if possible. Alan made his way to the Principal's office and was invited inside.

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