Chapter Eight

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Angela led Clare through the double doors of Dixon and Halfpenny and into a long corridor. There was a jade green carpet on the floor and pictures on the walls. They walked to the end of the corridor and Angela showed her into the last room on the right. "This is our Conference Room." she said. Sitting at a long table were two men, who rose to their feet as they entered.

"This is Bob Dixon." Angela introduced a tall, heavy built man with a mop of sandy coloured hair and bushy eyebrows. He shook Clare's hand. "Pleased to meet you, Clare," he said. He smiled at her and she immediately took to him. The older man was Edward Halfpenny, who also shook her hand, but he didn't smile and his manner appeared brusque and unfriendly. Clare wasn't sure what to make of him. 'Oh no, there's always something,' she thought.

She sat down and Angela also sat down in a chair at the far end, with her hands on the table and Clare noticed she wore a wedding ring. "Angela is sitting in with us," said Bob Dixon "As she will be working closely with the person we take on." This was good news as she'd immediately warmed to Angela. "So you worked for Spendlove & Partners for four years and you've been with Prendergasts for the last two?" asked Bob Dixon.

"Yes, I've worked with Accountants since leaving College. I also did temporary work for a year or so, working for surveyors and solicitors. It was a useful experience, but I've always preferred working with Accountants."

"Your qualifications are quite impressive and I see you have four 'A' levels." said Bob Dixon. "Spendloves have certainly provided you with an excellent reference."

"I also have some personnel experience," said Clare "They sent me on a course."

The interview continued and Angela asked the occasional question. "The person we choose will be working closely with Angela so she will have some say." said Bob Dixon repeating what he'd said before. Clare looked across at Angela and smiled.

"I hope you'll choose me." she said. Straight away she regretted it. 'How stupid can you get,' she thought. She blushed deeply and longed for the moment to pass.

It was a short interview, so she assumed it would be another refusal. Bob Dixon shook her hand as she was about to leave and said, "We'll let you know shortly." Edward Halfpenny hadn't said anything at all during the interview and Clare thought it very rude.

Before taking Clare back out to the Reception area, Angela showed Clare the office where she may be working. It was a smart office containing three desks, filing cabinets and a cupboard. The furniture was new and everything spotlessly clean. An office adjoined it to the side where Bob Dixon worked. "He's a lovely chap, Bob." said Angela "You'd like him. He's nice to work with. Mr Halfpenny is a bit difficult, sometimes, but between you and me he's leaving soon, so it won't be a problem. Don't tell anyone I've told you though, it's supposed to be a secret."

"No, of course not, but thank you for telling me. It would obviously affect my decision if I thought I had to work with someone difficult. I mean, if they offer me the job, that is."

"I hope they do Clare, I think we'd get on very well." said Angela.

"It's very nice of you to say so." said Clare "I hope so too, I hate my present job, I've already given in my notice. If I can't get a permanent job soon, I'll get some agency work. By the way, why is the company called Dixon and Halfpenny, isn't Mr Halfpenny the elder of the two?"

"Yes, he is," said Angela "but the Dixon part is Bob's great grandfather, he used to own the company and it's come down through the family ever since. I think they've changed the name of the company a few times."

"It's an old established company then?" asked Clare.

"Yes, since 1880 or thereabouts and it's still going strong." said Angie. Clare was pleased, long established companies were rare and it was good to know that the company had a history.

Angela took Clare back to Reception. Clare wasn't going to say anything about Alan, but suddenly changed her mind. "Do you have someone called Alan Harding working here? When I came in I thought I saw him, in the lift."

"Alan? You know Alan? Yes, he works upstairs with the others. Come on then, let's go and find him." Angela took Clare upstairs and Clare felt awkward and wished she hadn't said anything. After all, she was married now and she'd known Alan years ago. She started to feel embarrassed. They walked up the stairs and through double doors on the left hand side, also marked "Dixon and Halfpenny - Accountants" and this was a light, open plan office where at least eight people worked.

Angela walked up to a desk in the far corner and there was Alan Harding. Clare remembered the boy, but there sat the man wearing a light grey designer suit. The words 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' rang loudly in her head. He looked just as ever, immaculate and handsome. His eyes seemed bluer than Clare remembered and his slightly Roman nose added to the attraction of his features. His dark hair was sleek, shiny and neatly cut. The sight of him almost took her breath away. He looked like a film star and even though she was a happily married woman, her heart fluttered. She also remembered the feelings she'd had for Alan once upon a time. Although that was all it was now, once upon a time and a lifetime ago.

He didn't seem to recognise her at first.

"Look, Alan." said Angela "Guess who this is?"

Alan looked at Clare. "Do I know you?" he asked, rising to his feet.

"We were children together." said Clare.

He shook his head.

"Sycamore Grove?" said Clare.

"Sycamore Grove?... Clare?" Recognition gleamed in his eyes.

"Is it you Clare, after all these years? What a surprise! How are you?" Alan seemed genuinely pleased to see her and he came forward and shook her hand.

"What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" he asked.

"Clare came for the interview." said Angie.

"We'll have to make sure she gets the job then." said Alan.

He asked Clare to sit down and they talked for a while. Clare told him she was married, he said he was married too and he showed her a photograph of his wife, Marie, who had long blonde hair, blue eyes and a voluptuous figure. He asked after her mother and the family and seemed very interested in them all. After a few more minutes Alan said he was sorry, but he had an appointment, so Clare left.

"It was lovely to see you again," Alan smiled, "I do hope you get the job, this is a good place to work. Don't forget to remember me to your mother, I always liked your mum."

And there was the boyish grin...dimples included.

So there was something else to tell her mother that evening when she rang her.

"Is he married with children?" her mother asked.

"Yes, he's married, but he didn't mention children."

"Well, well, I don't believe it, I only mentioned him the other day. It's amazing."

It was even more amazing when Clare received a letter the following day offering her the job with Dixon and Halfpenny. It was an offer she couldn't refuse.

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