Chapter 44

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Jen's POV**

I feel like a butterfly farm has broken out in my stomach. My hands won't stop shaking and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Josh's voice keeps replaying in my head "So will you marry me again?". I now have everything I want and need!
I never knew i could be this happy. I waltz down the hallway before someone pulls me into a room. I don't really care, I feel like I'm floating on clouds. As soon as someone switches on the lights, Willow, Sam, Liam, Jena, Woody and Elizabeth jump out from the corners of the room.

"So..?" Willow asks "What did you say?"

Obviously Josh told them about his plans to propose. Elizabeth begins to talk before I have a chance to answer

"Well obviously yes! Look at that smile." She exclaims. Elizabeth pinches me on the cheeks like an old lady would. I start laughing.

Woody walks over to me and gives me a thumbs up. Very funny. He's such a loser sometimes. He pulls me in for a hug.

"Good job sweetheart. Im proud of you." He whispers, kissing me on the cheek.

"Well josh has some competition." Jena jokes.

Jena runs up and gives me a big hug, I can see tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God!" she squeals "I'm soooooooooo happy for you Jen hunny! This is awesome!"

"Who knew you actually cried?" I laughed.

She starts laughing before hitting me on the shoulder. Oww. That girl can punch. Sam comes over and gives me a huge bear hug. He nearly tackles me to the ground but we somehow manage to stay standing.

"Wow! I can't believe that two of my best friends are getting married..... to each other!". We all laugh.

"Maybe hell finally froze over." Jena jokes.

I shoot a dirty look but she just smiles. We have a weird friendship.

Liam wraps me in his strong arms and whispers "Congratz" into my ear.

"Is there food?" I ask, my stomach rumbling even though I've been eating all day.

"There's crisps on the table, ice cream in the freezer and beer in the fridge" Sam says.

Willow comes up and gives me a hug. Her tiny arms wrap around me.

"Where's lover boy huh?" she asks smiling up at me. I give her a big squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"Be my flower girl, ya?" I ask.

Her whole face lights up and she jumps up.

"Ya! Totally yes! Yes yes YES!" she screams.

I walk over to the table and start shoveling the crisps into my face, all this excitement has made me hungry. I see Liam and Sam approaching and stop eating for a second to wipe the crumbs off my face.

"Hey! Were going over to congratulate your fiancé on his outstanding bravery!" Sam says with a wide smirk on his face that shows his cute little dimples.

Liam raises his hand and whack the back of Sam's head.

"Ow! Why? Liaaaaam!" Sam whines childishly.

Liam's laugh booms though the room as he heads for the door.

**Josh's POV**

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I close the door to my hotel room behind me. I'm so glad I finally did it, and she said yes. O my god! I proposed to Jennifer Lawrence, the beautiful talented, actress with the most amazing smile ever and the best personality anyone could ever have, the love of my life, and she said yes! I'm so happy, happier then I have ever been before! I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. How does Jennifer love me? I don't deserve her. She's better than me in every sense. She could date almost any man she fancied.

I use the cold water running from the polished tap to clean my face. The cold feels good against my flushed cheeks. I wonder what Jen is doing right now? She's probably in her room eating and hopefully smiling, I don't want her to ever stop smiling that wonderful smile. Everyonr is most likeIy drilling her with questions. I dry my face and walk over to the bed. I lay down and close my eyes.

I feel so full of energy and I'm so happy but I'm also nervous. I don't know how to feel. At the moment its a strong mix of relief, happiness, nerves and adrenaline. I lay on my bed for I don't know know how long just imagining my blissful future with Jen. I could have stayed there for days if I wasn't interrupted by three loud knocks on the door and voices coming from the hallway outside my door.


Sorry! I just didn't feel like editing it! I actually didn't write this chapter! Ailidh_xx is the author of this chapter and she will be helping me write chapter 50! I added a few things to make it go along with the story and all the details! Next chapter is chapter 50 and I'm really excited!

I never expected people to actually like my writing! this was just something I decided randomly one day! The fact that I have so many peoe reading this, amazes me! I love you guys so much!

Thanks for reading!


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