Chapter 2

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The waiter comes right away. Josh and I order cokes. The waiter brings them out and then leaves.

"Oh my gosh! It's Josh and Jen!" Someone squels.

A girl about 13 walks up to us. I love our fans but sometimes they annoy me. Like I am on a date bitch please leave.

"Sorry to interrupt but I love you both. You guys are my role models! Can I get your autographs?" 

"Sure sweetie." Josh says sweetly. He is too sweet sometimes. Like toughen up boy. I am just kidding. Josh is amazing.

She gives us a piece of paper and a pen. Josh signs his name first and then I sign mine. She takes the paper and walks away.

"Our fans are great!" I exclaim. 

"Yea but it can get annoying sometimes." Josh says. 

"That's so true!"

The waiter comes back out.

"Are you two ready to order?" He asks. 

"Yes we are." Josh answers. 


"I'll have a steak medium well with A1 sauce."  

"Um I'll have the same thing." I tell te waiter. 

"Okay I'll be right out with your orders."

He walks to another table an then back to the kitchen. All of a sudden, a camera flash goes off. I stare out the window. The paps are taking pictures of us. I try to hide my face but it obviously fails.

"We should probably leave." Josh suggests. 

"Good idea!" I exclaim.

The waiter comes back out. He hands us the check as if he was reading our minds. Josh quickly pays with cash and we head out. They surround us at the door. Josh grips my hand and leads me through the crowd. A SUV pulls up and beeps at us. I peer in the window to see jack and Jackie. We hop in the SUV and they take off.

"How did you guys know?" I ask. 

"We didnt. We saw you guys when we were driving by." Jackie answers. 

"Oh well thanks and why are you two with each other?" 

"Um we just finished a date and were heading back to my house." Jack says. 


"Why are you two together?" Jackie asks. 

"A date that got interrupted." Josh answers. 

"Oh you guys wanna come back to my house and watch a movie or something?" Jack asks.  

"No no no! You guys are on a date!"  


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