Chapter 42

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"I cant believe we are going back to set without him." I say to Josh.

"I still cant wrap my mind around what happened. I mean he seemed so happy and like nothing was wrong." Josh says.

"Its gonna be weird having them digitally make him in the movie. Did you send flowers to his wife?"

"Everything is taken care of. Now finished getting packed or we will be late and miss our plane."


He throws a shirt at me. I glare at him. We have been acting more as friends for a while now even though I'm pretty sure we are dating. I mean we kissed a lot... He never asked me out again though.. Ugh the struggles.

I close my suitcase and pull it downstairs. Josh takes it from me and kisses me before taking it out to the car. We are most likely dating. I grab my purse and follow him out, locking the door behind me.

We drive to the airport and meet a waiting Liam. He looks pissed because we are late but oh well. We find our seats on the plane. Willow is inbetween Josh and I.

"This is so weird." She whispers to us.

"We know. It's gonna be okay.. hopefully." Josh sighs.


Josh grabs all of our stuff and hands it to us. Jena and Sam are waiting for us. We all hug even though we still see each other all the time. I take Willows hand as we walk through the crowds of people.

We arrive at the hotel in no time. Josh and I share a room. The last time we did that, it didn't work out. Sam starts laughing as we walk in the room together. Some condoms and a bottle of wine are sitting on the bed.

"Jackass." I say to him.

"Just want you guys to be safe. We don't need any Josh juniors running around here." He laughs. Jena joins in the laughing.

Josh and I flip both of them off. Willow just shakes her head and walks in her shared room with Jena.

I throw my suitcase down. I go to throw the condoms away.

"You might want to keep those." Josh jokes.

"You are so messed up." I say throwing the pack at him.

He starts to shove them into his pocket but he just sets them in a drawer. I take a quick shower and put some different clothes on. We meet everyone down in the lobby. Elizabeth walks out of the elevator looking fabulous like always.

She hugs all of us. We walk out to the waiting cars for us.

"Where are we going?" I ask them.

"No clue." Sam says.

"I think we are going to Apple bees." Willow says smiling considering she loves that place.

"Well that must make you happy." I laugh.

"No clue what you are talking about."

"Please we all know if you could marry Apple Bees you would."

"Yea that's true."

The rest of the ride is filled with talking, memories, and lots of laughing. Josh flings the car door open and helps me out.

"So kind." I say mocking him just a little.

"Funny." He says kissing my cheek.

Willow hangs back with me.

"So are you guys dating or not?" she asks.

"I got no clue." I sigh.

"I'm pretty sure friends don't share rooms or kisses." Elizabeth adds.

"They also don't hold hands." Jena chimes in.

"Good is it gang up on Jen day? Did I not get that memo?" I ask them.

"We just don't want to see you get hurt. We like that smiles of yours. I honestly hate seeing my big sis cry." Willow says.

I hug her tightly. "I swear you have the soul of an 80 year old."

"You say that a lot. Just be careful."

The seat us in a back party room. Everyone else comes piling in. Francis stands at the front of the table. Philips death was definitely hard on him. They had become good friends.

"Everyone quiet down." He says. "First let us toast to the great Philip Hoffman! He may be gone but he will never be forgotten. Philip will always live on in our hearts. Um jen, say a few words?"

"Oh god I'm not very good at speeches." I joke.

I stand up and walk so I'm standing next to him.

"I honestly thought his death was a hoax. Philip was the kind of guy you could rely on. Ten bucks he is standing somewhere in this room laughing at us for crying over him because that's just who Philip was. He was a great guy, father, husband, actor, and friend. He will always be greatly missed. But he would most likely tell us to get the fuck up and get on with our lives. So here's to Philip." I say raising my class up.

"Philip." Everyone says together.

Josh kisses my forehead and wipes the tears from my eyes. I pretty sure everyone is crying by now. I feel willow wrap her arms around my waist. I turn away from Josh to hug her. She sobs into my shirt.

"Shh it's okay." I whisper running her back.

She sniffles a few times before taking her face out of my shirt. Everyone starts talking about normal things. I go straight for the rolls.

"Might want to slow down sweetheart." Woody says from behind me.

"Woody!" I exclaim. He opens his arms wide open. I gladly hug him.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Well it depends."

"I guess that's true."

He walks away to get a drink. Julianne Moore walks up to me.

"That was a lovely speech by the way." She says.

"I think it was one of my best." I laugh.

"Most likely."

"I wish it could have been something other than that."

"We all do."

She hugs me before walking away. Liam through a piece of roll at me. I grab a roll and through it at him.

"Seriously. Put a wig on." He says all serious.

"I came in like a wrecking ball!" I sing.

"Shut up."

"You love me!"

"Not as much as Josh does."

"That is very true." Josh says from behind me.

I turn around and kiss him. He pulls me close to him.

"Kid in the room!" Willow yells.

Elizabeth covers her eyes.

"So is it true you guys are dating again?" Woody asks.

I look at Josh who smiles at me.

"Well that depends. Jen will you give me a second chance?" He asks.

"Hmmm. So main options. Im gonna go with yes." I say.

"Dammit I went with the answer no." Sam jokes.

Josh kisses me again. He is so perfect. He hands me a box. I open it to find a gorgeous necklace. He puts it on me.

"Well he's a keeper." Julianne whispers.

"Yes he is."


I didn't want to make a lot of the chapter about Josh and Jen. So this one is for Philip. Honestly so sad.

I hope you guys like the chapter! Thanks for reading. Happy forever alone day!


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