Chapter 8

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**One week later** **Jens P.O.V**

This was our first interview since us becoming at couple and since the crash. I'm doing better but I still have some scars and bumps but im ready.

"You ready babe?" Josh asks before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Yea just a little nervous." I tell him leaning into his chest.

"AWW look at the couple!!" Liam exclaims.

"AWW so cute!" Sam joins in.

I turn around so I am facing them and flip them off. Liam puts his hand over his heart like he just got shot. I laugh at him. Someone comes and leads us down some hallways and to the stage door. They open the door and we all walk in. Josh's hand quickly finds mine. He helps me down the steps and on to the stage. Sam and Liam walk behind us with Elizabeth. The music is blaring and the crowd is going crazy. Some of them even chant my name.

We all sit down on the couch and chairs behind the couch. Josh, Sam, and I take the couch while Liam and Elizabeth take the chairs.

"How are you guys doing?" Ellen asks us all.

"I think we are doing pretty dang good!" Sam says.

"Even jen is doing better!" Liam adds.

"That's right. You were in a pretty scary accident." Ellen says.

"Yea. It was scary but I had great people supporting me." I tell her.

"I would say some are supporting you a little more than others." she says glances between me and Josh, "But anyway. You guys have finished filming Catching Fire and it comes out in what less than two months."

"Yea we finished filming awhile ago. It was all editing and photo shoots. Basically, we haven't had an off day in a long time!" Elizabeth says.

"We start filming Mockingjay in like a few weeks too." Josh adds. 

"We are super excited about that!" I add.

"Seems like it! So what are you guys going to do when it ends?" She asks us.

"Sit at home in the same pants for like a week." I say.

Everyone laughs at that.

"Its true. She does that even now!" Sam adds.

"Now lets get to the most important thing about this interview.. the new couple on set!!"

"Oh god.." Josh mumbles.

"So when did this happen?"

"About three weeks ago."

"How long have you liked each other?"

"Well I've liked Jen since day one of filming." Josh tells her.

"And you Jen?"

"I'm not really sure when I started liking Josh. It was one of those things that kinda just happened. It was like one day we were best friends and like the nest we were like hey I like you! Oh I like you too!"


Sorry its kinda short but whatever! Anyone wanna make a trailer for this? No.. okay. If you make one email me

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