Secret Love (Joshifer)

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Chapter 1

Josh and I have been friends for as long as I can remember but I have always felt there was something more. But I was dating nick. Now I'm not. The doorbell rings. I peek out the window. It's josh! My heart starts beating faster and faster. I open the door.

"Jen!!" He screams.

"Josh!" I scream back.

He gives me a hug and walks in. We both sit on the couch. I notice he sits extra close to me. I mean I don't mind it. He smells so good which does sound weird.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Fine and you?" I reply.

"Jen drop the act."

"I don't even know where to begin."

"Where ever you want to."

"Well nick and I broke up, everyone thinks we are mad at each other, I can barely go out, the pictures of us smoking and drinking surfaced, and rumors that bradly and I are dating are going around!"

I start crying. Josh pulls me in for a hug. I let him hold me. Josh is the only person that I am okay with being weak in front of. His strong arms make me feel safe. He pulls away and cups my face.

"First I forgive you for snapping at me, I'm sorry for snapping at you, second, nick was an idiot for letting you go, third, those pictures will be old news in a week and as for you and bradly, I got nothing." Josh whisper.

"Thanks." I whisper back.

Before I can even think about what's going on, Josh leans in and kisses me. I start kissing him back. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me close to him. We both slowly pull away. I stare at him, speechless.

"What was that?" I ask.

"A kiss." Josh replies.


"Jen, I've liked you since filming the hunger games. But you were dating Nick. Now you aren't and I can't and won't let you slip away from me. You are everything to me and I can't lose you again. If you don't feel the same way, I understand."

I sit there just staring at him for a good five minutes.

"Jen please say something." Josh pleads.

"Josh... I feel the same way." I barely get out.



"Thank god! That would have been so awkward if you didn't!"

"No kidding!"

"It most likely would have ruined this amazing friendship we have, so this was a major risk for me. I am so glad you said that you liked me back."

I lean against Josh. We sit there watching tv. His arm is draped around me. I feel safe with Josh. I cant forget that he has been with a lot of girls. Hopefully I am not one of those girls because for once I am happy with my life.

After we both get bored of sitting there, Josh gets up and walks into the kitchen. I follow behind him.

"What's for dinner?" He asks.

"I don't know! Take out or go out?" I laugh while saying that.

"Let's go out!"

"Why?" I whine.

"Because you have been in those pants for days!"

"Your point is?"

"You need to get out of this house Jen!"

"But I don't wanna." I whine, giving him some puppy dog eyes.

"Go get changed!"

I walk out of the kitchen and up the steps. I open the door to my room. My cat is laying on bed and for once no peeing on it! Yay! I throw on some dark jeans, a T-shirt, and my favorite stripped jacket. I walk back to the kitchen.

"Where you wanna go?" Josh asks me.

"I don't care! I just want food!" I exclaim.

"Well I'll drive and we have to stop at my house so I can get changed."

"Yea sweatpants aren't gonna cut it bud!"

Josh and I walk out of my house. No paps are around, which I'm so thankful for. Josh opens the door for me. I hop in the car. He walks around to his side ad jumps in. He speeds off. Demi Lovato comes on. It's her new song heart attack! Josh and I start screaming the lyrics.

"Wow We should be on American idol!" I exclaim.

"No kidding!" Josh says back.

We pull into his drive way. I decide to go in with him. One, just in case the paps decide to come and two, I want to see his dogs! I love them so much! Josh unlocks the front door. Driver meets us at the door. I bend down and start petting him. Josh shuts the door and walks by me. He disappears upstairs. I continue to pet driver. He picks up one of his favorite toys. I throw the toy and he goes running. He comes back a few seconds later with the toy. Josh reappears. He's wearing his dark jeans with a white t-shirt. We walk and take off again!

"So where to?" Josh asks.

"Hmmm... I don't know!" I say back.

"What about Fridays?"

"Sure sounds good to me!"

"Is it okay if we park not in the parking lot?'

"It's your car not mine!"


He parks down the street from apple bees. We both get out and instantly get swarmed by reporters. Josh grips my hand. Our fingers lace between each other. He pulls me to his side. I pull up my hood trying to protect my face from the reporters and their flashing cameras. Josh keeps his head down but leads us to the restaurant. Once we are in, I take my hood off.

"Table for two." Josh tells the woman at the door.

"Okay. Right this way." She happily says.

She grabs two menus and leads us to a table by a window. She closes the blinds for us.

"Your waiter will be right with you." She says and then she's gone.

God this is so weird being on a date with Josh. We have been other places together but never on a legit date. Stop Jen just stop. You like him, he likes you. There is no problem.

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