Chapter 32

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"Nick!!" I scream.

"What Jen?" he asks dazed from being woken up.

"My dad gets out of the hospital today!! He gets to go home!!" I say sitting down next to him.

"Jen that's great. You should get him something." Nick suggests.

"Okay let's go." I say taking his hand.


Nick gets ready rather quickly before we head out to the store. The paps and some fans of course come near us. Nick and I both ignore them and just get lost in each other.

"Do you think he'll like this?" I ask him holding up a bengals sweatshirt.

"Well he likes the bengals and even if he doesn't like it he won't tell you." nick says before kissing me.

"Okay and then some candy." I say pulling away from him.

I pay for everything before heading to lunch with my family and Nick. When we get to the house, they are already there. I walk in and my dad is sitting in his chair watching the game of course. I hand him the bag before sitting on the arm of the chair.

"Jenny you didn't have to get me anything." he says smiling.

"Just open it for gods sake!" I exclaim.

He opens the bag and of course loves everything I got him. He puts the sweatshirt on and happily eats some of the candy. My mom walks by and snatches it away from him.

"Lunch is soon and you don't want to lose your appetite." She says putting the candy away.

"When did she become the wicked witch of the west." My dad grumbled.

"Be nice." I say lightly hitting him on the arm.

Blaine and Meredith walk in with some chips and dip and oh I've never been happier to see my brother. I sprint over to them waiting for them to open it. Meredith opens the skyline dip right up and I dig in.

"Nick start eating." I say with a mouth full of chips and skyline.

He shrugs and walks over to me. He eats some and then feeds some to me.

"So Nick you're back with my sister huh." Blaine says slapping him on the back.

"Ya we are back together." Nick admits proudly.

"Well lets get one thing straight, you break my little sisters heart, I will break you." Blaine warns.

"You know I don't think I have ever seen you get so protective over me." I laugh.

"Well I'm tired of seeing you cry and hurt. It kills me too Jen." Blaine says. I pull him into the hug and whisper thank you. He kisses my cheek before letting me go.

Wow that's a first for him. He never looks out for me.

"What have you done with my brother?" I gasp!

"Funny Jen. Im serious though." He says fake laugh. "I'm serious too." I say smiling.

He just hits me before plopping down on the couch. Ben walks in with some beer in hand. I take it from him and set it on the counter. Nick takes one and plops down next to Blaine.

"So you and Nick back together huh?" Ben asks me.

"Yea we are." I say happily.

He walks me out to the back porch and sits down. I sit down next to him.

"Look Jen, I'm glad you are happy but are you sure about him? I mean he broke you so much and I don't want to see you go through that again." he says taking my hand.

"Ben I spent two years with the guy, of course I'm happy. He makes me happy." I say smiling at the thought.

"Yea but remember when you guys broke up the first time, you said he didn't challenge you, he didn't make you question your choices, he didn't feed off your energy but just told you to calm down. When you started dating Josh, you said he made you question all of your choices but he still stood by your side, he made you more hyper than you were but knew when to calm down, Josh challenged you to be a better person and actress. What happened to that?"

"Things change. People change."

"I'm will stand by you no matter what you choose but make sure it's the right choice. I love you jen and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I love you too Ben."

He wraps me up in his famous bear hug. Instead of feeling like I'm going to die, it feels nice to have someone you truly cares for me. I haven't felt like this since... Since Josh. I cringe at  the thought of his name. My brother notices but doesnt say a word about it. 

"You arent gonna like me saying this but I like you with Josh better." he says before walking back into the house. 

I sit there shocked. My brother likes me better with Josh even though he hated us together before. 


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