Not an update

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So I know I took a long time to update this story and I'm sorry about that. I had major writers block.

I dunno I feel like I lost some of my really loyal readers who have been with this story since the beginning and it's upsetting for me because I would rather have a few reads who actually care about the story than a bunch of reads who never comment! Your comments always make me laugh!

So basically what I'm sayin is, I love you all so much and I just want to share a little bit about myself and why other than writers block, I didn't update as quick!

1. my name is Kelsey not tris- I love divergent and thought I would use it as my fake name for my stories
2. Joshifer is just like fucking flawless! I have been a fan of them since the beginning
3. I curse a lot! it's real problem but oh well!
4. My bday is march 2!!
5. I'm 14 turning 15 soon! So excited and I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!
6. I'm the youngest in my fam
7. I spend all my money on books or music!
8. I have like 3 friends! yay not a loser... Just kidding I am!
9. I got se depression and anxiety
10. I love writing stories and songs- great way to express yourself
11. I want actually need to be an actress when I'm older- only thing I can truly see myself doing
12. I want to inspire the world and be a voice for our generation
13. I'm in a lot of fandoms #nolife
14. I'm forever alone #futurecatlady
15. I still sleep with a giant stuffed pig- like a stuffed animal not an actually stuffed pig now that would be weird
16. I'm thinking about starting my YouTube channel up again
17. I'm running out of facts!
18. I love dolphins and I'm such a dog person
19. I love you all so much and I'm here for you!
20. Music is my life!

So there now you know more about me! I hope all my loyal readers come back! I'm lonely without you guys! Im so lonely! I seriously love y'all so much and I just want ya back!


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