Chapter 34

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"Jen wake up" Josh whispers in my ear before kissing me on the cheek.

"Ugh. Just a little bit longer." I whine.

"Nope. We are going somewhere today so get ready. Something casual." Josh says before walking out of the room.

I roll/fall out of bed. Where am I? I look around the room, trying to find something that looks familiar. I walk out of the bedroom and into the really nice kitchen. Josh is cooking pancakes and bacon.

"Um question." I say to him. "What is it?" He asks.

"Um where the f*ck are we?!!?!" I exclaim flinging my arms around.

"You were a little drunk last night so I expected that you wouldnt remember. You said and I quote, I think we should spend a few days alone so we can work everything out because you cant just easily get over the things we have been through together." he tells me.

"Did I really say that?" I am so confused.

"Yes you did. But I knew you were drunk, so e are only at a beach house and everyone knows where we are. I told them they couldnt come unless we called them and told them they could." Well that clears a lot up.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask him like a little kid.

"Its surprise!" He exclaims. "well thats no fun." I whine.

"Just go get ready." He says pushing me up the steps.

I Quickly get ready and run back downstairs excited to see what he has planned for us. He sets some pancakes in front of me along with a glass of milk and whole plate of bacon. God he knows me too well. It is quite creepy. Everything little detail he knows about me.

"I do know a lot about you if that is what you are thinking about." He says kissing me cheek.

"really like what?" I ask him.

"I know that you hate when your food is touching, especially when its something you love like a stake, when you think, your eyelashes flutter, when you are second guessing yourself, you tend to loo down and not talk every much, and you love me." He says kissing my cheek. He pulls the plate away from me and throws the rest of the food away.

"I was eating that!" I exclaim standing up.

"Well we are leaving in five minutes, so anything else you need to do?"

"No." I cross my arms still pissed he threw away my food.

"Good lets go!" He says leading me to the car.


We have been driving for like three hours and honestly I dont like driving this long, its boring and I get antsy. Josh just continues to drive.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Shh." He says patting my head.

"dont touch me! Tell me where we are going!!"

He just laughs and then turns the radio up. So rude! Why am I with this guy? Oh yea, I'm in love with him. Oops I forgot. Just kidding, I could never forget! I did leave someone at the altar for him.

He pulls to the side of the rode and hopes on out. He runs over to my side and helps me out.. He takes my hand while holding a picnic basket in th other head. He leads me to a cliff. Josh sets down the basket and spreads out the blanket. We sit down. Josh pulls out a bottle of wine and two glasses. He hands me one.

"Well you just thought of everything, didnt you?" I say taking the glass.

"What can I say, I try." He shrugs.

"You are such a loser." I say gently pushing him.

"Well you are the one dating this loser." I have to laugh at that becasue its so true.

I notice Josh staring at me for the longest time. I try to ignore him and just enjoy the view but he doesnt stop.

"Why are you staring at me?' i ask him not pulling my eyes from the view.

He gently grabs my head and turns it towards him. He kissings me before whispering, "Becasue I love you."

"Well that is good enough for me." I say before kissing him again. "Wait can I ask you something?"

"What is it Jen?" Josh asks noticing my more serious tone.

"Why me? Im not worth it. After all the shit I put you through. Why do you keep fighting for me?" I ask him.

"Many reasons. I love waking up to you and your messy kisses, I love how you laugh even if the joke isn't funny, I love how you can make the most awkward moments feel normal, I love how you can light up a room by just walking into it, I love how you make me feel with just one glance and I'm weak, I love how still after everything we have been through, you still make my heart beat 1000 miles a minute, but most importantly I love you because you are just you." he whispers to me.

"Then prove it. Scream it to the world." I tell him.

"I love you." he whispers only to me.

"I told you to scream it to the world." I tell him just in case he's confused.

"You are my world." he says setting out glasses down.

He gently pulls me closer to him and kisses me. He falls back so I'm in top (A/N: wink wink haha sorry had to)

My hands trail his torso. I fiddle with the buttons on his shirt before unbuttoning each of them. He pulls my shirt off. His hands hover.

"It's not like you honey touched them before, josh." I say sitting up so I'm straddling him.

"I know. It's just. I don't know. But you sitting like that is a complete turn on. he says propping himself up with his elbows.

"Wanna head home?" I whisper in his ear.

"It's like a four hour drive home."

"Better start driving." I say as I put my shirt back on.

Josh scarambles to pick everything up and take it to the car. I just sit there laughing at him.


"I think we made it back in record time." I say as we walk in the door.

Josh throws everything down and carries me bridal style upstairs. He throws me down on the bed. He unbutton his shirt. I grab collar and pull him down on to me.

"Calm down Josh." I say trying not to laugh.

"I am calm." he says confused.

"Part of you isn't." I say looking down.

"Well that part I can't control. You obviously don't make me calm. You make me wanna.." I cut him off, "Just shut up and kiss me."

That is exactly what he does. I part my mout allowing him to enter. I let him win. He works his way down starting to unbutton his pants when we hear the front door open and then close.

"Josh! Jen!" Sam calls from downstairs.

"You've got to be kidding me" I whisper.

I throw my shirt back on and walk downstairs. Sam is sitting on the couch watching tv. He looks back at me and starts laughing.

"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" He asks.

"Yea ya did jack*ss!" I say throwing a pillow at him.

Josh comes down the steps probably about ready to kill him.

"I thought I said only come if I called!!" Josh yells.

"Well I thought you would want the warning that your parents are throwing you guys a surprise party here tonight!" He says still trying not to laugh.


"Ring in the new and improved relationship."

"Oh my god. Ten bucks says it was my moms idea." I say to them.

"Oh it was Jen but Ben helped a lot because he hated Nick. He has been in the best mood for days now. It's kinda creepy." Sam informs us.

"Wait you have been spending time with my family."

"Yea they are so nice and funny. I love them. But anyway they are going to be here in two hours so you might want to clean up and get rid of the sex hair."

"We didnt have sex" I tell him. "Josh go take a shower and get ready. Sam and I will start cleaning." I instruct.

"I brought some help." Sam says walking to the door. He opens the front door and a lot of our friends are standing there with food, cleaning stuff, and nice clothes.

"Well lets get started!"

Everyone goes in different directions.Some head to the kitchen, some to the loving room. Sam and I head upstairs to clean the rooms. I straighten out the sheets and throw the comforter back on along with all the pillows.

"Does that look okay?" i ask Sam.

"If you are asking me if it doesnt look like you guys had sex then yes it looks good." He laughs.

"Not funny!" I say throwing a pillow at him. This time I hit him in the head. He throws it back on the bed and continues to dust.

I check all the rooms to make sure they are clean. I head downstairs which is almost perfectly clean. They restocked the kitchen and even hung up decorations to make the house look better. I walk out to the patio. Xander and Jack are cleaning the pool. Izzy runs up and pushes Xander in, who grabs her pulling her in with him. I start dying of laughter as they surface.

"Way to go Xander!"Jack exclaims.

"You are an idiot!" I say to Izzy as I had her a towel.

"Thank you for reminding me of that Jen." She snaps.

"Well its someones time of the month." I whisper so none of the guys hear.

"Damn straight it is." She says.

I laugh at her as she walks over to a sunny area. Xander follows closely behind her. What a good guy.


Our moms walk in with a bunch of people behind them.

"Surprise." They all yell as they walk in.

Josh and I hug our moms and then hug each others moms.

"Hope you guys dont mind! But we thought a party would be the best way to celebrate your relationship." My mom says to both of us.

"Well we are going to get changed and be right back down." I say considering we look like hobos.

I throw on a pair of jean shorts, a tank and some nice sandles before heading back down. There are at leas 150 people here already. Josh and I walk around talking to different people. Some people I dont know but Josh does. I feel someones arms wrap around my waist. Josh of course is just laughing. I look behind me and see Connor laughing his *ss off. I smack him on the arm before hugging him.

"Missed you little man!" I exclaim.

"I missed you more boo!" He squeals.

This is are relationship. We act like idiots together but this kid is completely my best friend!

Josh hands me a beer before we continue walking around greeting people.

"Jenny!" my best friend, Lindsey, screams.

I spin around and attack her.

"I missed you so much!" I exlcaim hugging her.

"How could you not miss this?" she says smirking.

"Very easily." I joke.

She looks past me at Josh, who is awkwardly standing there.

"You two attached at the hip?" she jokes.

"What can I say we are in love." I tell her.

"I'm gonna go talk to Xander. Ill he back." He says kissing my cheek.

He walks away. I turn back to Ashley, who is smiling at me. We go up to my room so we can talk. 

"You seem happy." she states. 

"I am. Josh makes me feel like I am the only person in the world. He makes me feel safe but he challenges me and makes me question every decsion I make and I like that." I tell her,

"Well when he stood up at the wedding, I couldnt help but think that Nick would never do that. Nick isnt half the man Josh is. Josh makes you smile so bright. You just seem so much happier when he is around. Jen, I really think he could be the one." 

"I think so too." 


Merry Christmas!!! Got some amazing Catching fire things! Hope you guys are having a great holiday. Here is my present to you all. A new update!!! YAY!!! I cant thank you guys enough for the sucess with the story! I didnt think it would become anything and now its just amazing!! Thank you so much for reading and voting and for putting up with me not updating as much! I love you guys so much! HAHAH JUST KIDDING... I ONLY LOVE JOSHIFER!!!!! AHHH! Comment and vote!! Thanks for reading! 


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