Chapter 9

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"So there was like no moment where you looked at each other and knew it was meant to be?" Ellen asks.

"Well I think I knew that Jen was the one for me just the day we met. For me there has always been something there that was just undeniable," Josh pauses, "But there was a moment where all my doubts left."

"I know my moment where everything was certain that he was the one but when you live in the eyes of the media, nothing is private. So this is the one thing that cant know and I am going to keep it that way." I tell her.

"That is very true. I feel like anyone is in the cast doesn't get a break from the media. Like you can not come out of your house and people assume the worst! How do you guys deal with all that craziness?"

"I think for me, its just not letting it get to me and reminding myself of where I came from." Sam says.

"I just don't pay attention to the media." Liam tells us.

"Just focus on my family and not the bad surrounding me." Elizabeth says.

"so you guys have a clip for the audience, right?"

"Yes we do." Josh says.

They play the clip where Katniss, Peeta, and Finnick are in the arena right before Peeta gets shocked. All the fans in the audience go crazy! They stay quiet until the clip ends and then they go crazy! They don't stop cheering for a good ten minutes!

"Thank you guys for coming! Catching Fire comes out November 22! So go se it!!" Ellen exclaims.

They go to a commericial break before we exit the stage and to the cars waiting for us. Josh and i get in one car along with Sam. 

"Can you believe we start filming again soon?!" Sam exclaims.

"Its so crazy!" Josh adds

"You guys roll up your windows, we got fans and the paps." Our driver warns us.

The fans run up to the car screaming their heads off. We all laugh, but still not use to it all. Our driver drops Josh, Sam, and i off at Josh's house for a little BBQ. The rest of the cast arives shortly after. Josh and Liam start grilling. Thank the lord, i am hungry!

Hey Jen! How ya feeling?" The adorable Willow asks me.

"Oh hey Willow! I'm feeling a lot better than before which is good. Still a little sore in some places but other than that, i am good!" 

"Wow your lying has decreased some." 

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Before, i never knew when you were lying or not but now i could see right through that lie!"

I grab her arm and pull her up stairs into the bedroom that Josh and I share. She sits down on the bed and just looks at me with those big brown eyes. 

"Stop looking at me like that!" I almost shout.

"Jen.." She pauses pulling me so i am sitting next to her, "You need to stop lying, if it really hurts, just say so. People wil understand." She finishes.

"I just dont want Josh to worry. He has been so stong this past week. Its my turn to be strong."

"Jen, you dont take turns being strong when you are in a relationship. Sometimes one person has to be stronger than the other. Its part of life." 

"I know..."

"So knock it off."

"What would i do without you, little sis."

"I'm not sure!"

"Thanks Willow. Love you."

"I love you too." 

Secret Love (Joshifer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora