Chapter 67-Hanging on by a Tread

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Third Person's Pov:

5 minutes.

5 minutes of absolute hell.

5 minutes without a single heartbeat of Lily's.

Her organs were beginning to shut down, with the absence of blood flow.

Dr. Marcus had to get Lily's heart to beat fast, before she looses too much air in her brain, causing brain damage.

Drew, to say the least, felt his own heart not beat for five minutes, but that would be untrue. His heart may have only skipped a few beats, a small heart murmur, but nothing no werewolve speedy metabolism couldn't fix.

Drew was in the middle of a huge panic attack. It was as if he could feel Lily's soul leave her body and fade farther from him.

After many strong drugs were placed into Lily's blood stream, and 3 electric shocks, everyone was growing frantic.

It was incredibly hard for Drew to keep his composure.

Dr. Marcus was growing frustrated, so he ordered his team mates to increase the AED up by 50.

No human could withstand the shock, but Dr. Marcus knew that Lily was stronger than most and she was still in there.

"Clear!" He shouts.

Lily's body jolts as the pads were placed on her chest.

Everyone anxiously looked at the heart monitor, praying that her heart would beat once more.

It was a medical miracle.

Five seconds later, Lily's heart began to beat.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, and a smile grew on each of their faces.

But it was all short lived.

They may have gotten her heartbeating again, but she was still bleeding out.

They were still 20 minutes from the nearest hospital, and so much had to be done.

One EMT put an oxygen mask over Lily's face, and gave her morphine for the pain.

While another applied gause to the bleeders, attempting to stop the bleeding.

They needed a CT done immediately, to find where she was bleeding.

Fluids were put into her system, managing to lure out the serum.

Drew's hand never managed to break from Lily's.

As soon as they reached the hospital, a whole surgical team waited outside.

As soon as Lily's stretcher was laid down on the ground, the medical team swarmed her; checking vitals, feeling and touching her to figure where her injuries were, all while Dr. Marcus updating them.

Unfortunately, Drew had to break away from Lily's side, by Nate and Jackson, giving the doctors full control.

Lily was rushed into the hospital, straight for tests and x-rays, leaving Drew alone again.

Drew had not calmed down, and was ready to explode.

He didn't know what to do.

All there was to do was wait, but even that seemed impossible.


Hours later, Lily was still on the table.

Her body kept experiencing symptoms of overdose.

One minute her skin was ice, so the surgical nurses had to wrap heat blankets over her arms and legs. Another minute, she was sweating; nurses would have to switch out the heat blankets for towels wrapped in ice.

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