Chapter 2

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Lily's Pov :

I woke up on a bed, that had the smell of Axe all over it.

I jolted upright as I remembered all that had happened earlier.

I examined my body to see that I still had the same clothes on as before. Yay.

I looked down at my foot and saw a green cast on it.

Great, I broke it.

I also spotted a silver handcuff wrapped around my other ankle.

I laughed in victory.

They think I'm a werewolf.

Haha sucks for them.

Then I thought, maybe they think I'm human.

Now, I feel dumb.

All of a sudden I felt pain in my head.

I hissed in pain.

I look on the nightstand to see a note and 2 pills and a glass of water.


Had to go, be back soon.


Yah, not soon enough, but I take the pills anyway. He is my mate after all.

I don't have any powers that can get the handcuff off.


I examine the room and see a normal teenage boys room.

I then face palm myself because, there has to be a rock or a pebble somewhere.

I search the room, and find a small pebble, on the side of the bed.

I put the pebble in my hand holding a fist, smashing the little pebble into a skinny rod.

I smile. I put the rock through the key hole and wal-a!

I'm free!

Now did he get me any crutches?


Yep, I officially despise him.

I guess I'm limping.

I walk to a window and see two guys standing under my window.

I must be on the second floor.

I could fly out, it is still dark.

So its early in the morning.

Just my luck.

I limbed over to the door and saw that it was unlocked.

Your not very smart, Drew.

I turn the know slowly, look out and see just 1 guy outside my door, sound asleep.

Poor guy. He only looked 14.

I went back into the room, took a blanket from the bed.

Then limped back over to the door and put the blanket over him.

I shut the door and locked it.

I searched the bathroom and closet but saw no one there.

I opened the window softly.

The other 2 guys didn't hear it.


I did a little victory dance.

I drew waves running down my sides for my wings to appear.

I stepped out the window, carefully with my foot.

I jumped out the window gracefully and flew.

The 2 other guys never heard me.

I flew high up in the sky to see how far I was.

And what I saw was anything but ordinary.

I saw the house I was in and it was huge.

I saw a smaller house and noticed it was the garage.

I looked around and saw about 10 guys guarding around the house.

I looked farther around and saw a group of wolves, werewolves running toward the house.

That must be Drew and his friends.

I guess that's my que to leave.

I flew toward the mountain. The house was a few miles away, so I didn't fly far.

I dropped gracefully next to my car, which was the only one there.

I did the same wave of my hands and my wings disappeared.

I smiled I'm free.


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