Chapter 57- I need Drew

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Lily's Pov:

I soared through the tree branches and bushes.

Feeling the tickle of dirt hit my face as I raced with the guys toward the devious rogues.

The sun had long last and the cool midnight air welcomed my body.

It was dark, but all of us had quickly adjusted our vision.

All of the guys stopped short of the battlefield to change.

I obviously did not want to see them nude, or be eaten alive if the girls knew.

I flew ahead of them and entered the small grassed clearing.

No one had shown their faces yet, but I could sense their presence behind the first line of trees.

Leaves and branches crackled under the presence of the guys walking up to my side.

I closed my eyes, letting my wings sink into my back before I reopened them.

I made sure I looked bada**, even though I was wearing yoga pants and one of Drews sweatshirt.

"I don't have all day." I said, my voice full of control and determination.

I could also sense many of our warriors wolves hiding in the woods ready to prounce.

That is what our pack is famous for. Most of our wolves are so quiet and skilled you cannot hear or sense us.

Then from the bushing of leaves and branches out comes my living nightmare.


Scott is walking out arrogant as ever with ten men at his sides.

I couldn't help but gast over the surprise in my eyes. I had to bite my tongue to stop from gasping.

Scotts smirk only grew, leading me to glare and cross my arms at him.

I somehow knew I would see him again, but never anticipated this moment.

I feel a sudden panic in my head.

Where's Drew?

The sudden feeling of want and need.

I need him here with me.

I am not scared of Scott anymore, but I would like that Drew was here to see me face my old fears.

"Ah, Lily." Scott spoke with such cockiness and bile I wanted to throw up.

"What do you want Scott?" I demanded, persistent.

At the mention of his name all of the guys tensed up.

Alex knew who he was before, cinsidering he beat the crap out of him earlier.

He was closest to me, ready to attack at any given moment.

Scotts smirk grew further and I just wanted to burn it off her face.

"You." Was all he said before all of my pack members growled harshly.

"Ah, I hear you brought back up," Scott mentioned. "But that won't be necessary."

I snorted at him and said with a comment, "Oh, I'd like to hear what idiotic plan you've come up with."

Scotts smirk grew with an evident grin. He snapped his fingers and out came nine figures out of his side of the forest.

I quickly noticed Stacey being grabbed my two men, and Leo being held by four. On the other side a very familiar old friend of Jessica and mine, Amy came out with two men by her sides.

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