Chapter 32- Answers and Miracles

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Lily's Pov:

I woke up with a gasp, sitting right up.

It was like waking up to a nightmare.

Mr.Johnson, Mr. Anderson, Dr. Marcus, Drew and all of the boys besides Leo (who I think is with Stacey) all leaning on a wall looking straight at me.

Doctor Marcus just stepped back with an empty needle in his hands.

"So your plan is to intoxicate me now?" I said sourly.

I was about to move some hair out of the way when I realized something.  When I brought my right hand up, my left hand came with it.

I looked down to see metal handcuffs wrapped around both of my wrists.

I looked even further to see that my ankles were handcuffed to the other side of the bed.

"Really?" I asked, quite snappy, because I just helped save their asses and this is what I get. "After I just helped you get rid of those mutts, this is what I get. I mean I know you guys want answers, but this is not the way." I said, getting angrier by the second.

"Calm down." Drew said blankly.

"Do you want answers or not?!" I demanded.

Drew peeled himself off of the wall and took a step forward, "You will not speak to me like that!" He ordered.

"I have a right to raise my voice and no one orders me what to do!" I snapped right back.

"Do not snap at me, after what you just did to me." Drew said, taking another step closer.

This made me hesitate, because it was true.

"Do you want answers or not?!" I yelled back.

Drew and everyone in the room stayed quiet. I smirked already figuring them out.

Mr.Johnson went up to Drew and whispered really low, like whispering for werewolves. But, remember I have better hearing than them.

"Tell Dr. Marcus to make her calmer. We aren't going to get anywhere with her yelling at us." Mr. Johnson whispered.

And I heard all of it.

Drew mind linked Dr. Marcus. I could tell by the way his and Doctor Marcus eyes fogged up.

Then Dr. Marcus snapped back into real life and went to this tray that had a bunch of different needles.

He picked one and came close to me.

My eyes widened and this was the first time that I didn't need to act, I could use my powers.

I pulled my legs back causing the handcuffs to break in half in a millisecond.

I jumped off of the bed and got into a fighting position.

Everyone was frozen and looking back and forth, wondering how I moved so fast.

I stood back up and ripped my handcuffs for my hands apart.

"You will not stick a needle into me just to make me calm." I simply said, raising my hand at the needles on the tray. They began to shake before exploding the liquid sprayed all over the tray.

"What are you?" Alex started off the questions,  seeming to get over how shocked he was, but I'm not ready for them just yet.

"I will answer your questions,  but I want an apology first." I said calmer.

"No! You should be apologizing to us for what you done!" Jackson yelled at me.

That is true. I breathed in and out to calm my nerves that suddenly came up.

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