Chapter 33- More questions

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Lily's Pov:

Waking up was better than last time. I wasn't injected, I woke on my own.

I opened my eyes to only see one figure in the room.

My vision was still hazy so I had to rub my eyes to see clearer.

The blurry figure is Drew.

"Hi." I said shortly, sitting straighter up on the bed.

"So first you lied to me, then used me." He said, not meeting my eyes. "Your own mate."

"Drew-" I began to say. I knew he would be thinking this.

"No. Lily no." He said. "No more lies."

I didn't say anything,  because I knew he wouldn't believe me.

He got up, out of his seat and then punched the seat, sending it flying into the wall in pieces.

"What angers me more is that I believed it!" He said, frustrated and angry. "I should have known something was up. I felt it too, you know." He said, staring straight at me.

"Drew-" I said again to get his attention,  but yet again he goes on.

"You are fake you know that! The fakest person I have ever met!" He said and I could tell that he knew it was true, but he isn't so sure.

The tears came. It hit me right in the gut.

"I want to know everything you lied to me about." He said still glaring at me. "Now."

The tears poured down my checks, but I knew I deserved it.

I stood up, out of the bed.

The lump in my throat throbbed as I spoke.

"When I was running away the first time, I pulled a root up so you would trip. I used a small rock to unlock the handcuffs and flew out the window. I tripped Parker with another root the second time you took me and I flew home afterwards. The same night I flew back and kinda east dropped on you and Jacksons conversation about me. That's when I knew it was you. Then when I came to apologie I flew. I'm the one that made the fire bigger at the bonfire. I lied about how I got home that night so that's why I brought Calle the next night. Ever since then it's been little things. Whenever I go on walks, I fly so my wings don't cramp up. When I wouldn't wake up for 3 days it was because my powers were stronger and that wasted most of my energy. When we completed the mating process, my powers were strengthened again." I explained all in one breath.

It took a while for this information to sink in for Drew, but I knew it was a lot to take in.

"So you knew about your scent?" He asked.

"I didn't know it was as strong as yours, but when Dr. Marcus said he doesn't know why, I knew." I said. "And when he collected blood samples, my angel instincts came in and hid itself in the blood cells."

Drew didn't say anything and I knew why. He didn't know what to say next.

I know he's hurt and I am too.

"Drew I was going to tell you. It takes a while for me to trust someone. And when I knew I could it was too late. I was going to tell you right when the fight started." I started to say and then tears cane back and rolled down my cheeks once more. "I only lied to everybody about the things about who I really am. The other things were all true. I really do love you."

It took awhile for Drew ro look at me, but he did. He scratched the back of his head and looked at me.

"I need time." He said, and I was positive that he was confused and on the verge to show salty tears.

I couldn't look at him anymore, if I did I knew I would break.

The tears never stopped, they kept on coming down more and more.

"O-okay." I croaked out.

When I looked back at him, he wouldn't look back at me. He avoided my stare.

He unlocked the door and opened it for me.

I went through the door, feeling the heat that he gives me.

I walk down the hall to the stairs, hearing Drews footsteps behind me.

Downstairs all of the pack members have stopped and looked at my puffy red eyes. Their faces were devastating.

I opened the door and waited for Drew.

We went to the side of the building for more privacy.

The sun was just setting so I probably slept for one to two hours.

I looked back at Drew, who was looking at the sunset.

"You'll know where to find me." I said to him.

He just nodded.

I gave him one last look before I turned around. I made waves by my sides. Wings, halo and gown appeared.

I breathed in and out to calm my nerves before I flew up in the air.

I made my way to the house to grab some of my stuff. Brushing off tears as I went.

I descended in the front lawn. Making waves mby my sides again making my angel identity disappear.

I walk through the door.

I guess no one bothered to lock the door.

I ran up the stairs, not bothering to check who's here.

I grab a bag out of my room or I guess Drews room for now.

I throw in my phone charger and take one last look at the room I won't be sleeping in for awhile.

I shut the door behind me and then open the door to my closet.

I can't take all of it with me so I'll just take some.

I packed a couple shirts and shorts, along with bras and panties. I packed my toothbrush and paste, brush, makeup. I can't find my phone so I have to go back downstairs, because I think it's still in the kitchen.

I zip up my bag and sling the bag around my shoulder.

I climb down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen.

When I am in there, no one but Jackson is there.

"What are you doing here?" He snaps.

I really don't need this right now.

"I'm just leaving." I said defeated, grabbing my phone.

"Good." He said.

I just left. I put back on my shoes and grabbed my keys.

I throw the bag in the passenger seat.

I put the car in drive and speed down the dirt path.

I knew exactly where I was going.

I'm coming home.


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