Chapter 18 Fire

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A few more days passed, and we'd woken up early for sunrise exercise. We were practicing extreme shots with our powers in the dark.

"Good training. You're powers are getting stronger." Nya said as she turned on the lights. "Yeah, that Chain Lightning Strike is really gonna be great in a battle!" Jay bragged. "Not cooler than my Earthquake Stomp!" Cole punched his arm. "You're all missing the point of the training exercise. The point is, my Deadly Frostbite is the highlight of our arsenals. "Where's Kai?" Nya asked.

"FIYAAAAAA!!!" We heard someone wail from below deck. "Found him." I sighed. We found him in Sensei's room, wearing the Green Ninja suit and acting like a total idiot. After we recorded every juicy moment, he turned around to see us clapping and laughing.

"Yes, yes, very nice. Perhaps if you use the phrase, 'Fire Dork', maybe it might work!" Cole teased. "How long have you all been watching?" Kai asked nervously. "The Green Ninja suit! That's awesome!" Jay exclaimed. "I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei, and then I found this." Kai confessed. "But you know that only he that is foretold to fight Lord Garmadon is to be the Green Ninja, and only he is supposed to wear the Green Ninja outfit. Sensei will be very displeased-" Zane scolded.

"I know, I know. I was just trying it on. Get some inspiration for my True Potential." Kai sighed. "It's just not fair that you guys unlocked your special powers and I still haven't. Besides, Sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back-" "Hello? I'm home!", a familiar voice cut him off.

"Sensei!" We shouted. "You're dead meat." I told him before rushing off. "It's so good to be back." Sensei was saying. "So glad you're back." Zane said, warmly. "Did you bring us anything?" Cole asked, eagerly.

"Boy sensei, have you missed a lot. Zane's a nindroid, Nya's the mysterious Samurai, Omar has a big, loud family, Cole's dancer!" Jay listed. "And Jay can't shut up long enough for anyone else to talk." I finished. Jay made a face. "Zane is a, what?" Sensei asked, confused.

"You've been gone a while. We'll catch you up later, but you should know, all of us except for Kai have found our True Potentials." Zane explained "Have you now? Where is Kai?" Sensei asked.

I was about to make up an excuse when Kai ran on deck. "Right here. So glad you're back safe." He straightened his gi. Just then, a four-armed monster appeared behind sensei! "Sensei! Behind you!"

Kai leaped into the air, ready tackle the, wait. "Garmadon?" I questioned. Meanwhile, Zane was jumping in front of Sensei when he seemed just fine. Kai was on top of Garmadon, ready to slash his head off. "He's got four arms!" "So, we meet again." Garmadon grunted.

"He must've followed you, Sensei." Kai analyzed. "Kai, stop! He is the reason I left." Sensei explained. "For so long as Pythor has Lloyd, he will be our guest."

"We have to live with this guy?!" Cole grimaced. "You can't be serious!" I groaned. "But Sensei, he has four arms!" Zane obsessed. "Must I remind you every since he turned evil he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons?" Jay shrieked.

"ENOUGH!!" Sensei shouted. "Yes, Sensei." We all sighed. "This isn't about the weapons, it's about my son!" Garmadon explained. "From here on, you will obey me, and you will respect my brother." Sensei ordered. "Yes Sensei." We bowed.

"Now to the Bridge. We must put our attention to more pressing matters." Sensei walked around the corner. Garmadon  followed, but not before giving Kai an evil, provocative grin.

He was about to attack him again when I stopped him. "That's what he wants. Don't do anything stupid, you'll just get in more trouble." We walked to the Bridge.

"So where are we at with the four Fangblades?" Sensei asked. "Pythor managed to get the first two, but there's still two left." Jay told him. "And we only need one to prevent him from releasing the Great Devourer." Cole added.

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