Chapter 5 Get up, Get Your Ninja On

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The next day, we woke up very early in the morning. We got the 'horse carriage' and set off for the Scythe of Quakes.

We were pulling the horse carriage, and Sensei was riding in it. In hind sight we should of seen this coming.

Considering that we have no horses. "Sign me up." Jay mocked. Kai was already disliked by the team. "Way to go, sport plug!"

"I sense this is ... some strange form of ... team building." Zane said between breaths. We had been running for about an hour and a half, so we were all a bit tired.

"Just keep pulling. We have a long way to go." Cole said in a serious tone. "So, where did Sensei find you four?" Kai asked.

"Let's just say if it wasn't for Sensei Wu, I don't think the four of us would be seen together. I was testing my limits. Climbing mountains is one of my favorite things, and while I was doing it, Sensei was on a ledge, sipping tea." Cole said.

"I was testing my invention." Jay said heroically. "I was in a city and I had my newest glider. I had been waiting days to test it, but when I did, I crashed into a billboard. When the dust cleared from my eyes, I see Sensei Wu, drinking some tea on the roof I was on."

"And I," Zane said, "was testing myself. In my old village, I sat at the very bottom of the frozen lake. One day, I sensed someone was there with me. I turned to my left and I saw Sensei Wu, strangely enough, drinking tea."

"Wow. You three are weird. But I was doing my job. I was on my paper route and something shiny. I stopped and found an amulet, got ambushed by a skeleton battalion, and was knocked out by a falling tree when Sensei found me." I explained

"You're right." Kai said "If it weren't for Sensei, none of us would-" "STOP!" Sensei yelled.

We all stopped and climbed over to a small ledge overlooking a cave system. "The Caves of Despair. Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember, do not use the weapon, for its power-" Sensei stopped to be interrupted by Jay.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's too much for us mortals. Alright guys, lets chop socky and his lemonade stand. Cole, you got a plan?" "Sure do." Cole said.

"Alright, first, we lower ourselves down the ledge, and then- where's Kai?" Cole said clearly annoyed.

We looked around until we saw a little red dot zipping behind the rocks. "Let's go." Cole said.

We all jumped into the valley. We ran behind the huts, making sure we weren't seen and that we didn't lose Kai.

All four of us dashed behind two skeletons and flung a quarry cart over our heads. We waited a bit to see if the coast was clear, and then we started walking.

We ran into a rock. We stopped for a bit. We put the cart in reverse before going into the cave site. When we lifted the cart to see where we were, we saw a skeleton warrior right in front of us!

He had seen Kai and was about to sound the alarm when we pulled him into our cart, beat him up and left him with a bone in his mouth. Then we ran away!

We saw Kai peeking out from behind a rock. "The map!" he said. We held on to the bottom of a conveyor belt and slid to the weapon.

Kai jumped to the skeleton tower that held the map when we were climbing a bone railway like monkey bars.

We flipped behind the rock that Kai was at before jumping to the tower and climbing up the bony structure. We met Kai at a hole in the roof. We all looked inside.

"What's the matter with you?" Jay said to Kai while slapping the back of his head. "Shhh." Kai responded. The skeleton put down the map and turned away, overlooking the work of his minions.

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