Chapter Twenty-Seven: Death

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I rubbed my head as I slowly got up. I was stunned to see that we were in some kind of graveyard. I looked around for Harry and Cedric and I got the biggest scare of my life. I was seeing him. Right between my very eyes. LORD VOLDEMORT. 

~Where are they?!~

That's when I noticed two figures that were tied up and gagged on a pole. The evil wizard was talking with them.

"Ahh..." He hissed "So good to finally see the boy who lived once again.."

I saw a piece of cloth fluttered to the ground. Then I heard Harry speak "What do you want?!"

"You've grown so brave, Potter.. But you can never win against me. NEVER." Then he turned his attention to who I think is Cedric "Ah.. The 'Golden Boy'. Not so golden tonight aren't you?" Then he released a menacing laugh that sent chills up to my spine. 

Another cloth fell to the ground and I heard Diggory speak "You! You were the one who put me under the Imperius curse!"

Voldemort snickered and answered "Who else? For someone as good-looking as you, you're not THAT smart, are you? Speaking of Brains.." He turned to someone behind him. "Where's the girl?"

"I-I don't know My Lord... She was with them before they touched the portkey. I'm sure she's around here somewhere." 

I have a very good feeling that I was the girl whom they were referring to.. I gripped my wand and watched.

"Oh well.. She'll come out sooner or later.. But I'd prefer it to be...Now.. And I know the perfect solution." He hissed before pointing his wand at my friends. "Hear that, Mudblood? Come out now or I'll be finishing them." 

"Hermione!!" Harry screamed "Don't !!"

But I just can't! I need to save them. Slowly, I stood up from behind the tombstone where I've been hiding. Trying to sound braver than I really am, I said firmly "I'm here. Let them go!"

Voldemort whipped his head and turned towards me. "See, boys? Here is our heroine. Come." He said opening his arms out wide.

"I won't." I muttered.

"What's that?" He snapped.

"I said I won't!"

"Yes you will." He hissed. "Crucio!"

Then I experienced the most painful sensation I've ever felt in my whole life! My body was on fire and my skin was being pierced by hundred and thousand of knives. I was pretty sure that my head will burst any second now. But I bit my lip to keep me from screaming. I bit it so hard than I tasted blood. Then I heard a scream. Was it possible that a shout of protest escaped from my mouth? I bit harder, digging my nails on the ground but the screams of agony didn't stop. Then I realized it was Harry. Was he being tortured too? I stood up, with my whole body still shaking. But it wasn't painful anymore. Did he stop?

I heard a gasp escape from the death eaters but I can see Voldemort wasn't surprised. "And she conquered it. I knew she would. I've heard so many good things about you filthy Mudblood that I want to vomit. If it wasn't for you, this Potter boy would've been gone years ago! But no, you just have to save him. Every single time. I could use your brains, Granger. Your wise perceptions and on cue actions could be a lot of help. Together, we will conquer the world. Just join me and my minions and you will be powerful. In fact, you will be power itself."

I rushed to Harry and Cedric and quickly untied them with a simple charm. "Relashio!" 

"You have freed them but I made no offense. Now, I am waiting for an answer, Mudblood. Better give me a good one or else. It will truly be the end." Voldemort hissed. I sensed he was losing his patience over me. But NO. I wouldn't give in.

"Over my dead body!" I snapped.

"No. You're insane!" Voldemort screamed. "Fine. You chose your way, now I choose mine. It will all be over. I will kill Harry Potter. And you cannot do anything about it anymore because you will not live long enough to see another sunrise." 

"Hermione.." Harry and Cedric whispered behind me..

"Voldemort. Don't drag them into this. I'm the one who you want!! Leave her alone!" Harry shouted.

But The Evil wizard ignored this. He simply pointed his wand across us and muttered "I have always dreamed of finishing you off with my own wand, Mudblood" He started, feeling the weight of words on his tongue.

Voldemort continued saying how much he anticipated this moment, to kill me. Me who have saved Harry's life millions of times but I haven't been listening to him. Instead, I gave my friends my last message. "Harry. I've lived a good life. It's over. It's a battle I am destined to lose. My nightmare is not just a dream. It was a precaution that I should've enjoyed the remaining days of my life. Harry.. It's over." I whispered under my breath. "Cedric, thank you for the wonderful memories I've shared with you. I do wish you'll find the perfect girl for you one day. And both of you, do survive this night for me. Please.. The past weeks have been the most special weeks I've ever lived. I want to die this way. Protecting both of you." 

A small smile spread over my face and I closed my eyes as I felt the two of them take hold of each of my hand. I saw the faint image of my parents saying how proud they are of me. Of how much I've been very brave. A single tear escaped from my eye and I braced myself for the end.

Then I heard it. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

That was the word I last heard. Before I died.

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