Chapter Four: The Triwizard Tournament

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"Hermione! Get up sleepyhead!" 

I opened my eyes slowly as Ginny shakes me up. I stifled a yawn and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Hermione! wake up!!" Ginny said as she pulls away the covers.

I sat up and blinked a few times "Fine, I'm awake" 

She grinned "Good. Harry and Ron are waiting for you downstairs. They said they're not letting you sneak on them again." 

I groaned as I drag myself out of bed. I took a quick shower and changed clothes. When I reached the common room, Harry and Ron were indeed waiting for me.

"About time, Hermione.. Honestly, what do you girls do every morning? It takes you ages to come down." Ron exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at him "Hush Ron."

Before we broke into a fight, Harry stepped between us and said "Enough of that, we need to get outside now. Or we'll miss the ceremony."

I shot Ron a last glare before asking Harry "Ceremony? For what?"

Now it was Ron's time to get even. "Oh Merlin's Beard! For the first time, Our little friend here doesn't know something.. Would you do the honors, Lover boy?"

"Would you cut it out, Ronald!" I snapped before turning to Harry "What is it exactly about?" 

Harry just shrugged and said "Professor Dumbledore just said that all students should be out in the grounds after breakfast. He said something very important is about to take place. Oh and you missed breakfast. AGAIN" 

Ron's eyes widened as he said "Hermione! Don't tell us you're doing this strange diet like Ginny? Oh please, spare me!"

"I am most certainly NOT doing a strange diet, Ronald! I just.. Overslept.." I explained. 

Before we practically jumped at each other, Harry grabbed both of us and led us out the room. 


Outside, everyone was stirring. Excited for the big news. All of a sudden, we saw four very large flying horses coming. The crowd erupted into a cheer but it got louder when a big ship emerged from the water.

"Students" Dumbledore said, silencing all of us. "Very well, I'd like to say something. This castle will not only shelter all of you this year but It will also be home to some very special guests. You see, our dear school, Hogwarts, has been chosen to host a very legendary event: The Triwizard tournament."

There was a silence that was broken by several "ooh's" and "aah's" from the students. 

Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued “Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime. “

I watched as a group of girls wearing blue uniforms walks past us, smiling rather nervously. The crowd of Hogwarts students clapped and smiled back to the ladies.

Dumbledore smiled and continued "And now everyone, let us greet our friends from the North, the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master, Igor Karkaroff!"

I watched in silence as a series of older boys walks past us too. There was one in particular who looked my way and smiled. I smiled back and looked away. 

I was particularly shocked when Ron grabbed my arm and began pulling me. "Blimey Hermione! I saw that! Geez! You are one lucky girl!!"

I eyed him confusedly and asked "What?!"

Ron's eyes twinkled merrily as he explained "It's him!! It's bloody him!!" 

"Who?!" I snapped irritatingly.

Ron took a deep breath and said in a squeaky voice "Viktor Krum!!!"

"Viktor- What?" I asked.

"Viktor Krum! He's the best quidditch player ever!" 

I shot Harry a do-you-know-what-he's-talking-about look and he just nodded. 

I sighed exasperatingly before saying "No wonder I have no idea." 

"Students, I would like to make another rather important announcement. If you all please go inside the Great Hall." Professor Dumbledore shouted over the crowd. 

Inside the Great Hall, everyone was still murmuring about the new comers and the tournament when Professor Dumbledore stepped up and announced to everyone "Eternal Glory. That's what awaits the student who will win the Triwizard tournament. But it is certainly not as easy as you think. That student must first survive three extremely dangerous tasks. " 

I caught my breath and eyed Ron and Harry who looked as surprised as I am. I continued to listen to what professor is saying.

"Because of the said tasks, it has been decided by the ministry that no one under the age of seventeen shall submit their names for the tournament. It is for everyone's safety and that decision is final." Dumbledore explained.

There were "Boo's" and a few dismayed faces. But I honestly think it is a very good idea. I've read about the Triwizard tournament before and it sure isn't for little kids to enter. 

Professor Dumbledore cast a spell towards a box which slowly turned into a goblet containing blue fire. "And here before us, is the Goblet of Fire. It is the one who will choose the contestant for each school. So for those who are brave enough to enter the competition, write your name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame this hour two days from now. But think very well before doing so, for if you are chosen. There will be no turning back. As of this moment, I declare the Triwizard Tournament's start." 

Everyone started clapping except for the three of us and the twins, who looked devastated. But knowing them, they'll surely be up on something. And it wouldn't be good.


I was still shaken about what happened earlier. It was lunchtime and we are at the Great Hall.  As Ron happily dug in, I wasn't touching mine. Harry must have noticed it and he asked.

"Hermione. Are you alright? You aren't eating." 

I glanced up at him and forced a smile "Harry, I'm completely fine. I'm just not hungry"

He was surely not convinced. "I know there's something wrong. What is it?" 

Before I could speak, everybody in the Hall turned to look at the Goblet of Fire when two people approached it at the same time. I watched curiously, waiting for what will happen.

"A Pleasure to meet you mister." He bowed and said as he extended his right hand. "Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang Institute." 

Cedric looked surprised but he politely took and shook Viktor's hand while saying "Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry." He nodded and kissed the piece of parchment he was holding and said “For Hufflepuff." and he whispered something like "and for you...Dad" before throwing it to the fire. 

Viktor turned to look at his schoolmates and, to my surprise, at me, before throwing his parchment over the flames. 

The two gents returned to their seats and were welcomed like a hero.  My eyes drifted to the Hufflepuff ‘s table and was startled to see Diggory looking back at me. I quickly looked away and grabbed my bag. 

"I gotta go. Catch you guys later." I told Harry and Ron before leaving.

I could see Ron roll his eyes and muttered something like "There she goes again. Nothing's gonna stop her from sneaking away from us."  And from the corner of my eye, I saw him whisper something to Harry that made the latter blush. 

I shrugged it off and headed for my private escape place: The library.

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