Chapter Five: Potions Essay

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The next morning, everyone's still talking about the triwizard tournament. There were some others who considered joining but are deathly afraid of the tasks or under the age limit.

As Harry, Ron and I were walking towards our next class, transfiguration, we talked about the possible contestants.

"Who do you think will get chosen from Hogwarts? I've heard lots of Gryffindor submitted their name in." Ron asked us.

I shrugged and answered "I dunno. But I'll be glad if Angelina Johnson gets chosen. I mean, everyone thinks she won't last just because she's a girl."

"Yeah. Me too" Harry agreed. "Hey Ron, will Fred and George still enter?"

Ron's eyes twinkled as he said "Oh yes definitely. They're planning of using an ageing potion. They want us to be there when they submit their names in, later today"

I rolled my eyes and said "It would never work you know?  There's an age line that Dumbledore drew himself and I'm sure professor had thought about ageing potions before he did that. They'll never fool the magic."

I don't know if they believed me or if they are just tired of arguing but they just continued walking.

After Transfiguration, the three of us headed to the Great Hall to witness, as they said "the cheating of magic".
Everyone crowded around the twins as they took a couple of drops of the ageing potion. They didn't look so different from their own age, maybe because they are almost seventeen.

They turned to looked at me and George said "Granger!! Good to have you here!! Ron told us you don't believe that we're going to do this!!"

Fred nodded in agreement "Yeah.. Now you'll see Hermione." 

They smirked as they both took a piece of parchment and stepped on the Age line. Suddenly, they were thrown backwards with a very strong force and both of them sprouted very long beards. Everybody burst out laughing, even the twins. 

"" I said in between laughs. "It won't work. "

They shook their heads and Fred said "Oh well, I guess you're right again Hermione” They struggled to carry their beards and headed to the hospital wing.

"I always knew it won't work you know." Ron said.

I stared at him for a minute before responding "Oh really, Ronald." 

Harry was still laughing when he told us "But in all fairness, they managed to brew a potion! And that's what surprised me.. Snape would've been proud."

My eyes widened when I remembered. "Potions? Oh my gosh!"  I quickly rummaged through my bag searching for it.

"What is it Hermione?" Harry asked.

I looked up at him and said "I think I left my Potions essay at Transfiguration. Snape's going to kill me!"

Ron looked at me in disbelief. "That's it? Snape wouldn't kill you for missing one essay Hermione. You would just probably get detention"

I rolled my eyes at him and said exasperatingly "Detention?! That's worse! UGH! I'll be going back to look for it, you guys go on to potions. I'll follow."

Harry looked at me with concern "Are you sure?"

I nodded and rushed to Classroom 1B, our room for transfiguration.

When I reached the room, I frantically searched everywhere for my essay but I can't find it. I'm already late for potions so I decided to just go without my essay. I'm on the verge of crying when I heard someone speak behind me.

"Hey Granger, are you alright?"

I turned around and saw Cedric walking towards me.  "Wow, it’s really you. Its potions already huh, why are you still here? It's unlike you."

I tried not to cry when I explained "Oh.. I'm looking for my essay. I can't go to class without it. Snape will kill me"

Cedric chuckled and said "I'm pretty sure he won't. Maybe detention. But considering WE are already late, I guess we'll be arranging papers later." 

I sighed and nodded "I know but it would be way better if I have my essay. I worked hard for it." 

Cedric stopped in his tracks and shuffled through his bags. My eyes widened when he hand me my essay. 

"Is this yours? I found that besides the pots during Herbology. Must have fallen from your bag."

I was so happy that I did something even I didn't expect. I hugged him tightly while exclaiming "Oh thank you!! Thank you so so much!! It means a lot to me..Thank you!" 

When I pulled away, he smiled and said "You're welcome. Anyway, I think we should go now or Snape would definitely kill us." 

I know he was just kidding but I nodded. We rushed to the dungeons and to Snape's potions class.

"Mr. Diggory. It's so nice you can join us for class. And Ms. Granger, I was actually worried you're sick. You're not usually LATE for class, are you?" Snape's cold voice said when we entered the room.

Everyone's eyes were on us as we took our seats. I haven't put down my bag yet when Snape spoke again "What have you been doing together? Dating perhaps. Well if that's so, you could continue that later at my office after classes. Old papers could do some sorting." 

I felt my cheeks grow hot as everyone except my friends snickered. Harry leaned in closer and asked "Hermione. What were you doing with Cedric?" 

I eyed him nervously and answered "Nothing. In fact, he found my essay." 

Harry shrugged and went back to listening to Snape. Well, sort of.

That night, at the Gryffindor Common room, I was helping Ron with his homework on charms when Ginny came over squealing. "Hermione!!! I've heard!! Is it true?"

I looked at Ginny with a puzzled expression "What's true?"

She rolled her eyes playfully and explained "You and Cedric. Dating?" She smiled and continued "Finally, someone opened your heart Hermione. I'm happy for you."

I can't believe that Ginny's really thinking WE are dating. I heaved out a sigh and said "Ginny, we are NOT dating okay? Really.."

She shrugged "Oh well, if you insist." before heading to the girl's dormitory.

I looked up on the clock. It's time.

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