Chapter 24

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Thank You streamsofdreams for making this awesome cover for Assassin's Creed: The Forgotten Assassin Part 2! If you guys need covers made for your works, give her a chance she works fast.

Thank You streamsofdreams for making this awesome cover for Assassin's Creed: The Forgotten Assassin Part 2! If you guys need covers made for your works, give her a chance she works fast

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This cover was made by me it might not be the best, but here is another project I'm working on releasing. Grand Theft Auto: Empty Clips

 Grand Theft Auto: Empty Clips

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Age: 19
Location: New York

We made it back to New York around high noon. I have to admit, it's strange not having Joey interrupt whatever I'm doing. He had yet to come inform me about anything.

Nicole was stumped as well. Although on the ride back she stressed her distrust for Joey. She didn't trust him and she suggested I shouldn't either.

He haven't given me a reason not to trust him. If anything he just want to take down the Templar Order.

"Why did you stop here?" Nicole asked while taking her head off my shoulder. I had stopped in front of the tailor shop.

"You have something to buy?" She questioned with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, not really" I responded.

"Oh, well I'll go in with you" she replied.

"Yeah, that'll be cool. There's someone I want you to meet." I was surprised to hear her say that. Maybe this is what Mr. Wellington was talking about. This could turn out to be really good or very bad.

There's no telling how things could turn out when Nicole meets new people. I could still feel that slap from years ago.

I walked inside after Nicole. Claire and Joey had just walked out of the door that lead to the a another room. They were in conversation, when Claire saw Nicole and I standing the door way with puzzled looks.

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